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Blog Comments posted by Shard

  1. That must take up a ton of memory, storing all that information about so many bodies... Does this happen 60 times per second? Is there a maximum rewind time (for example 10 seconds) Or will it try to save as much as it can until it runs out of memory?



    At present state it will go until it runs out of memory.

    Storing 12 floats for 500 objects for 60 frames results in 360000 bytes or 0.00034 Gigs of memory.

    I have not placed a cap on the rewind time right now but I can easily do that.

  2. really cool. Can you tell us bit how the time control and the gravity attraction works?




    The gravity is really simple, I use the gravitational formula to calculate the force that the gun would put on objects around it and then use ForEachEntityDo and apply the force to them (using a pivot that I place at their position, point to the grav source and then TFormVector on it). The rest is all realistic physics.


    The time control is done a lot less efficiently at the time. I record the position, rotation, velocity and angular momentum in a vector for each object for each frame when its playing forward.

    When its paused, I set physics mode to off and remove all momentum on the object.

    And for rewind, I set objects position, rotation, angular momentum and velocity as its played back in time using a pop on the vector.

  3. Newton's Aquarium?





    Now I have something to compare to.


    From the sounds of it, my version will have some different features than this program and will be significantly cheaper (single user was $40)


    I'll mess around with it and see what its like.

  4. It would have to be very good indeed to compete with the free software of Celestia and Stellarium


    It is not intended to compete with those products.

    Those products are Planetarium softwares, used to show and explore the night sky.


    My product is limited to the solar system, where it allows the user to create their own solar system and then let it "run" to see what would happen with that particular setup.

    For example what would happen if the solar system had binary stars or a black hole, etc.


    After what little research I've done, I haven't seen a similar product on the market yet.

    Please let me know if you know of similar software that exists.


    Also, the price will be fairly low. I'm not looking to make a living off of this project.

    I'm probably going to charge $10 for a single user license.

    And for an educational license, I thinking about doing $1 per license.

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