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Posts posted by Jardar

  1. You need to create a physics shape, export as .obj and convert that physics shape to .phy using the phygen or obj2phy.

    What is the difference between a model and a physics shape? nothing appart for the job it is meant to do. A model alone wont have any physics interraction so it can be highly detailed, the physics shape on the other hand needs to be extremely simple. When you convert a model in phygen or obj2phy it will automatically patch it together to the simplest shape possible. A continious torus is a perfect example of how this is no good.

    Same if you want to make an inward corner for a pipe, you will need to make it in two or three, perhaps even four cylinders depending on the shape of the bend and how accurate you want your physics to be.

    I will provide some illustrations.... and excuse my drawing skills.


    First lets see what might happen if you make a corner from one single mesh.


    The red line is the resulting physics shape.

    The converter will make the most effective physics shape possible, even if that isnt what you want at all.

    To make the corner correct, you need to devide that corner up somehow, like this for instance.


    Here the green line is the resulting physics shape, as you can see it now have the corner made correctly. That is because you actually give the converter additional instructions this way.

    At least, this is what I needed to do when making physics shapes in the past, for Source (garry's mod) for instance.


    Hope this helps.

  2. by paranting a planet to the pivot of the sun would keep the planet from spinning right? You would get a planet orbiting the sun but with only one side facing the sun at all times correct?

    maybe a way to solve this would be to place a pivot in the sun, a pivot in the planet, and ball socket the planet to it's pivot? Thus you could in addition rotate the planet as it is orbiting the sun?

    I could be wrong, perhaps making no sense, and perhaps it would be better to use animated textures to make the planet "look" like it is rotating instead.

    Anyways that was my thoughts on the matter.

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  3. Why not go further than the Stalker people and create a map system that can wrap around onto a planet or asteroid shape? If this could be put into orbit with other planets, it would be tres cool. I am joking because it sounds ridiculously difficult, but if you came out with an engine with that capability, it would blow the competition away.


    Take a look at the I-Novae engine.

    No its not done, but the engine they are developing for Infinity: Quest for Earth will be putting procedurally generated planets around procedurally generated star systems, where each star is a member of a procedurally generated galaxy.

    They also claim that there will be no loading time after the initial game startup.


    Personally I just want a planet lol. But seeing how much work there is populating just a few kilometers, I am quite happy with leadwerks really.

  4. Well if I can remember this correctly from school. 1 liter of water = 1kg at sea level.

    So if you have 10kg of water you have 10 liters of water, and opposite, 10 liters of water would weigh 10 kg.


    This would of course take into consideration that you do NOT use heavy water! besides that would be very dangerous.

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