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Posts posted by SpiderPig

  1. This is an odd one but I believe I have found the issue with it.

    If you load the gltf in the model editor, navigate to one of the meshes (first mesh in the list I think, but doesn't really matter) and browse for the 'Leaves' material.  The leaves should go red, and while the editor updates the leaves should move around a bit.

    However, if the material that you apply (Leaves.mat in this case) has 'alphamask' set as true, the flag 'alphaMode' in the GLTF will be set to 'MASK' and not 'BLEND'.  If 'alphaMode' is set to MASK the custom vertex shader in 'leaves.mat' which turns the leaves red and moves them, doesn't seem to load.  If you manually change this back to BLEND and reload the model, the leaves should be red and move a bit as the window updates.

    Please let me know if I missed anything from the zip.  You may need to change a few file paths in the material / shader family.


    • Thanks 1
  2. This might be considered a bug, I'm not sure.

    With a material open in the editor, if you then edit that material file in an external program the material itself does reload but all the parameters don't update.  Would be nice to have them do so.

    Also the thumbnail for the material doesn't update unless you save the material.  Would be nice to have it update when the file changes perhaps?

    I just noticed all this when using my shader editor on the materials whilst having the editor / material editor open.  It's not a problem, just a luxury. :)

  3. Honestly I'm not sure if this is a bug or something I've done.  Extract this into the main project directory so it can find the textures and shader family and then load it with the editor.  There are no texture slots in the material editor available.  I think it has to do with the shaderfamily because if it's using the default pbr.fam it loads the slots fine.  :huh:


  4. So I'm starting my process in a LUA extension for the editor.

    if process == nil then
    	process = CreateProcess("B:/ShaderMaster.exe")

    I get an error stating it couldn't find one of the files the app needs.


    It's showing that it's looking in a folder relative to the project the editor has open.  I need it to look relative to the process exe because that's where all of it's files are.  I think I can edit my software to fix this but I'm wondering if this can be done simply when creating the process?  Startup arguments perhaps?

  5. I'm browsing for a material that will be common over several GLTF models.  After saving the models with the material assigned I've found by editing the one material it does not update the models that have it assigned.  Upon further inspection of the GLTF file I saw no file reference to the material.  It seems it has just copied the material into the GLTF file.

    Is this intended behavior?  <_<

  6. Just a thought.  If I edit a models material that gets saved into a gltf file I would then like to export said material to a file and have the model use that file instead of storing it inside the gltf.

    I know I could just create a material and load that instead, but there are some cases where I don't know that's what I want and I may already have the material set up for that model.

    I think this will be useful for models with multiple LOD's and/or multiple variations of the same model that can all use the one material.

  7. Because I like being efficient (#lazy) I was wondering if we could have a few shortcut keys for some of the menu items in the asset editor?

    Something like the standards perhaps -

    Save : Ctr+S

    Save As : Ctrl + Shift + S

    Toggle Wireframe : F2

    Toggle Collider : F3

  8. I was trying something similar in the frag shader.  I just didn't call RenderLighting if the fragment was in shadow but I thought the results were too dark.  (the gif above)

    if(enable_lighting == true)
    	RenderLighting(material, materialInfo, vertexWorldPosition.xyz, n, v, NdotV, f_diffuse, f_specular, renderprobes, ibldiffuse, iblspecular);

    Can I simply disable lighting like this to see the shadow or is this not the best approach?

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