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Posts posted by SpiderPig

  1. Honestly I'm not sure if this is a bug or something I've done.  Extract this into the main project directory so it can find the textures and shader family and then load it with the editor.  There are no texture slots in the material editor available.  I think it has to do with the shaderfamily because if it's using the default pbr.fam it loads the slots fine.  :huh:


  2. So I'm starting my process in a LUA extension for the editor.

    if process == nil then
    	process = CreateProcess("B:/ShaderMaster.exe")

    I get an error stating it couldn't find one of the files the app needs.


    It's showing that it's looking in a folder relative to the project the editor has open.  I need it to look relative to the process exe because that's where all of it's files are.  I think I can edit my software to fix this but I'm wondering if this can be done simply when creating the process?  Startup arguments perhaps?

  3. I'm browsing for a material that will be common over several GLTF models.  After saving the models with the material assigned I've found by editing the one material it does not update the models that have it assigned.  Upon further inspection of the GLTF file I saw no file reference to the material.  It seems it has just copied the material into the GLTF file.

    Is this intended behavior?  <_<

  4. Just a thought.  If I edit a models material that gets saved into a gltf file I would then like to export said material to a file and have the model use that file instead of storing it inside the gltf.

    I know I could just create a material and load that instead, but there are some cases where I don't know that's what I want and I may already have the material set up for that model.

    I think this will be useful for models with multiple LOD's and/or multiple variations of the same model that can all use the one material.

  5. Because I like being efficient (#lazy) I was wondering if we could have a few shortcut keys for some of the menu items in the asset editor?

    Something like the standards perhaps -

    Save : Ctr+S

    Save As : Ctrl + Shift + S

    Toggle Wireframe : F2

    Toggle Collider : F3

  6. I was trying something similar in the frag shader.  I just didn't call RenderLighting if the fragment was in shadow but I thought the results were too dark.  (the gif above)

    if(enable_lighting == true)
    	RenderLighting(material, materialInfo, vertexWorldPosition.xyz, n, v, NdotV, f_diffuse, f_specular, renderprobes, ibldiffuse, iblspecular);

    Can I simply disable lighting like this to see the shadow or is this not the best approach?

  7. My thoughts exactly.  A slow light would only need updating every second or so.  It's only a 512x512 terrain.  The slowest part is when the whole terrain is in light because then every ray cast dosnt hit somthing so is very long.  I allready stop the ray when it leaves the AABB of the terrain.  I also want to blend in the default shadow system when up close.  That should look real good.  Will have to match the shadow color.  Are the shadows in Ultra just multiplied over the final frag color?

  8. Second go at this.  Not as hard as it looks to get something basic going.  I think the majority of the work will be performance improvements and making the shadows look nicer.


    It's "semi" real-time now.  Still on the CPU but on another thread who's sole purpose is to calculate the shadow map until the program quits.   Takes about 500 or so milliseconds to calculate the shadow map, hence the jitter as the sun get's higher.

    I think I can improve the ray casting speed but I want to focus on smoothing out those shadows.  I'm wondering if signed distance fields can help... maybe by storing each pixels distance to the nearest shadow I can calculate the fragments distance and blend accordingly.  Works in my head anyway.  :D   I think I'll sleep on it.

  9. The curse of the pine tree.  This GLTF is recently exported from blender.  Passing the files to the editor works good.  But loading the model in editor and clicking "Convert Textures To DDS" fails on one of the textures.


    I haven't yet figured out how to get blender to export DDS with the GLTF directly...


    • Thanks 1
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