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Posts posted by havenphillip

  1. Yeah sorry I didn't clarify. I added a normals from heightmap part to it to get an extra boost on the groove of the tread. I think if you don't want the heightmap used you can hide this line:

        normal = mix(heightnormal,normal,0.5);

    ...and remove the whole "normals from heightmap" section and it should work fine if you have a dramatic normal map.

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  2. 7 hours ago, klepto2 said:

    But in defense to Leadwerks I think with a clever level design and the use of lod and other tricks the mentioned levels can be done in le as well. 

    A lod system basically looks like three copies of the models and textures with varying degrees of polygons/resolution, right? Is any other thing to it? I always feel like I'm probably going to miss something obvious.

  3. Leadwerks has all but ruined video gaming for me. I just look around trying to figure out how they made those scenes now. I was playing Last of Us II and some of those forest scenes are just amazing. My question is how are they able to put so much stuff in the scene without losing speed? If I could even make Uncharted quality I'd be happy. Is it polygon count or LOD systems or both or none or what?

  4. I get it Josh has to do what he has to do. I don't like that I'm decreasingly his target market because Leadwerks is great for me. I agree with him he should focus his efforts towards his goals. Maybe down the line he'll add some Ultra stuff to regular Leadwerks or even come up with Ultra Light or something for the people who want to just buy it outright. I feel like a company like NASA would happily pay a subscription and that would be cool to be like an outside contractor for a company like that or for Elon Musk or something. You couldn't really blame him for ditching us for something like that.

    My only real complaint with Leadwerks was the lack of help with shaders. I just got the internet and started trying to figure it out and passed on what I learned. I feel like thats the way tutorials would have to go. It would be cool to read tutorials from a guy like reepblue. I think the community could be way cooler if it went that direction.

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  5. Bro I get it but I don't like it. Last thing I need is another bill to pay. Couldn't you just do a one-time purchase option but charge a ridiculous amount of money for it so people are more prone to just do the subscription? There's people like me out there who just prefer not to keep having to update my payments.

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  6. Ok yeah that looks great on shadows if I turn up the lighting quality in the options. Seems like that would be the best use. I cranked everything up on the normal shader but it still looks all dithered. 2 looks pretty good, though, even with the lighting on low:




  7. Ok maybe I'll start with that. I want to get into modeling but I tried Blender once before and it felt like a very steep learning curve. I need it easier and faster. I bought 3DCoat but barely opened it for the same reason. I don't know if it's any good. But the walls of that ship look awesome that's what I want to make. And I like that 4-texture PBR idea, and the steam coming out of the wall that's so Alien.

    • Like 1
  8. Leadwerks can do that. You want to make sure your hay texture is a png rather than a jpg because apparently jpgs don't carry alpha information. The "discard" technique in the diffuse + alpha shader is what creates that hard alpha falloff. I think I understand what you're saying and if so then you might also try opening the hay material and setting the blend mode to alpha and checking the Z-sort box (then save). My usual move is to do this then replace the "discard" line with a mix and a mask. But you can see a smooth alpha blend in the picture below (though actually I did use a mask on that one). That may work for what I think you're trying to do (but you'll notice it eliminates the shadowing, which can then be replaced with a Blinn-Phong. I can help you out with it if you want).



    Also (shameless self-promotion) I put up a bunch of shaders on my blog. There's some swaying trees and masks and blending etc. Maybe you'll find some principles there for some of these kind of shader problems.



    • Like 1
  9. Yeah you totally can. It's just a matter of changing the alpha value of the diffuse texture in the diffuse + normal decal shader. Try this shader on your decal material:

    decal alpha + normal.zip


    I changed only three lines:

        fragData0.a = 0.0; //was probably 1.0
        fragData1.a = 1.0; //was fragData0.a;   ... was set to the alpha of the diffuse so when you set diffuse alpha to zero it also set normal alpha to zero
        fragData2 = vec4(vec3(0),1.0); //the alpha channel was fragData0.a

    I also normalized the ex_tangent, ex_binormal, and ex_normal.

    Here I just tried it with the bulletmark decal material. Only the normals show up. No diffuse:



    Also I have the material set like this (not sure how much "pick mode" or "z-sort" matter):



    • Like 2
  10. Ok so I was able to make this simple painter using a Shadertoy shader. Just put a pivot in a new scene and attach the script to it. The problem I have is when I try to switch the shader over to a model shader, and I change the line in the shader from:

        if(length((coord*buffersize) - mouse_pos.xy) > radius) discard;

    ...to this:

        if(length(ex_vertexposition.xy - cameraposition.xy) > radius) discard;

    ...and change these updateworld lines also in the script to this:

    function Script:UpdateWorld()
        mouse = self.entity:GetPosition(true) 
        self.shader:SetVec3("cameraposition", mouse)

    ...I end up with a dot that follows the camera around but it stops leaving trails.


    I don't understand what I'm losing in the process. Why is that happening?






    Yeah the buffer is just a target to render to. All it's doing is double-buffering the scene. In the updateworld function you can see it's toggling between the two, and what occurs on the screen is bound to the buffer using Bind(). I think those were the important parts.

    I messed with this CCTV script from here at one point http://leadwerks.wikidot.com/start   - which is kind of similar - but it never went anywhere. If I recall correctly the trouble I had was figuring out how to use the CCTV in the PostRender function.

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