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Posts posted by Masterxilo

  1. Hi Ammo!

    Please don't bump that old (6 months xD) threads but rather make a new thread and include a reference there.

    Though I see you couldn't make a feature request since you don't own the engine.


    Remapping the keyboard shortcuts has been a feature request since any were defined (since the first leadwerks sandbox).

    This might come eventually (wouldn't know that it's possible right now, is it?).

    But I think you'll find an application somewhere on the internet that does exactly what you want (map key X to Y...). (Or can windows do this? I think it can only with the mouse buttons.)

  2. Where can I find an entities key name?


    For example the atmosphere entity does have a key with the name of "name" describing the name it was given in the editor, but I'm unable to discover the rest of its keys in order to use them in building a scene.


    Any text string can be a "key" for Set/GetEntityKey. There are just special keys which already have a reaction coded in the base class script. See 'class.lua'.

  3. I don't think 3.0 is so far in dev that this could be said. From what I've heard, command names are going to be changed, but that would just be a simple "Replace all occurrences of ... in whole project with ...".


    I guess some bigger things/internal workings are going to be changed quite a lot, so you'll for sure have to do some adapting. But if you're coding in a "code-reuse" and "program-the-same-thing-only-once" manner and further abstract the foundations the engine give, that shouldn't be too much of a problem.


    At least not anything to stop/wait for :)

  4. Instead of scratching other things and always adding new ones, there should really be a viewable list of what is planned to be done.

    Sure new ideas from the developer's side are good, but user requests shouldn't be ignored.

  5. This would be more general purpose:

    void ForEachChildDo(TEntity entity, void (*function)(TEntity,byte*), byte* extra, bool recursive = true, bool includeSelf = true)
       for(int i = 1; i <= CountChildren(entity); i++)
           if (recursive)
               ForEachChildDo(GetChild(entity, i), function, extra);
               function(GetChild(entity, i), extra);
       if (includeSelf)function(entity, extra);

  6. CountChildren() counts all direct child entities (children of exactly this entity) while FindChild() finds children and subchildren (->recursive).


    To loop through all bones of a skeleton, you'll have to write a recursive method that stores the current bone and calls the store method for all of it's chilren.

    To do thaat, it would use CountChildren() and GetChild().

  7. 2097152 bytes, but it should be (1024)*(1024/8)*(4) (RGBA 8-bit) = 524288 bytes

    The format of the terrain height data raw is single channel 16bit/ 2 byte (one entry for each gridpoint), so the file size IS correct

    1024*1024*2 == 2097152


    I don't know if your image editing program can load double precision single channel data. Can you set how to load the raw?

    In Photoshop, there's this dialog and you'd need the following settings:


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