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Everything posted by Davaris

  1. That looks cool. I like the way the zombies get up and attack. It might be fun to encounter survivors fighting the zombies and if they die, they fall down and then get back up and attack you. The other thing you could do to make it a little more creepy, is make it harder to see things that are further away and not lit by the beam of your torch. That way hoards of zombies can creep up on you out the darkness.
  2. I never would have thought of trying it that way. Thanks Andy.
  3. I can't get into the locked tutorials on the Wiki. Should I use my login name and password for this forum? Or is it my email and LWE registration key?
  4. Davaris

    Entry 0

    This is my first blog and I'll be using it to document my progress with the Leadwerks engine. ATM I am still waiting for the parts to arrive for the PC I bought to run the LWE. This will be my first real 3D capable PC and my first concerted effort at 3D game programming. In the past I've only ever used older computers with integrated video cards, as I preferred the look of pre-rendered 2D RPGs like the classic Fallout 1, or Baldurs Gate to 3D games. However after watching the awesome Leadwerks videos on Youtube and working through Josh's tutorials for his engine, I am inspired to try 3D! In the past I built and sold a game using my 2D RPG engine, however after a couple of years of doing the programming, art, writing and running the site, I burnt out and had to take a long break from game making. So now thanks to Josh, I guess I am back and after building my new computer, I will be porting my RPG engine for use with LWE, before I start making games again.
  5. I can recommend a book on AI programming that is pretty comprehensive, called Artificial Intelligence for Games by Ian Millington.
  6. Can someone please post these images on Imageshack or similar? Currently only owners of the LWE can see them.
  7. Interesting. Its good to see you have areas for owners of the engine and those who are just looking.
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