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Everything posted by Lunarovich

  1. Hmmm... Besides the water texture in Materials/Water folder, textures in Materials/Effects/Water and water shaders in Shaders/Water folder, I really don't see any prefab/entity/material that would be connected to water. And there is no tutorial how to make water. Could you give me, please, any lead?
  2. @shadmar Thank you! Will try to decipher it, since I'm noob in regards to shaders Anyway, can I (ab)use this opportunity to ask you what happens to your water prefab? I've downloaded it from here, but the water does not seem to move. Just sits there... EDIT The water does not seem to like postprocessor effects. When I turn them off, everything is as expected. Is there a way to have a water with postprocessor effects?
  3. @gamecreator Thank you! The mask will be very handy for my lib. However, neither of what you've said does not correspond to my needs. Firstly, clamping only stretches the last pixel of the texture to it's borders. Secondly, Shadmar made a masking shader and not a shader to draw a part of the image. Althoug, I can use it for those needs, it's complicated and costly workaround. There should be a much simpler way.
  4. I've adapted your shader to my needs. However, I do not see how to clip the image: image just wraps. I see that you use "zoom" in order to clip the rest of the image. However, I want a non scaled part of the image. Any ideas? Btw, I can't find Shadmar's shader that you're talking about. Could you please direct me where to find it?
  5. Hello! Would it be possible in LE to draw only a part of the image on the screen (via context). I mean, let's say I have a 256 x 256 texture with four 64 x 64 frames. Now, I would like to be able to draw, for example, a part of the image with following specs: x = 64, y = 0, w = 64, h = 64. I'm asking that because I'm building a basic 2d graphics lib and would like to implement animation in more elegant manner: right now, I'm just loading bunch of textures as frames, which is cumbersome and not quite efficient from renderer's point of view. Thank you.
  6. I've just impelemnted SetPivot via shaders. It was not possible to do it via SetTranslation, since it translates canvas, so to say, and not an entity. Anyway, you can now have entities rotating about an arbitrary pivot. See Main.lua for examples.
  7. Agree! As far as I've read tutorials, collision detection is explained in the Marble game example. A picking (Raytracing) is absolutely essential to any kind of game, be it FPS, RTS or an adventure. Therefore, a tutorial on picking should be included in the base tutorial set. Just for the record, I was not talking about essentials, but about the polished/professional aspect of the game. And shaders are must in this respect. Anyway, I think that we should be threading the other thread now That of requests...
  8. I agree that it is far more important to have rock-solid basis than advanced development on the shakey ground. Anyway, since we are using now Main.lua, the API docs should also take that fact into account and stop using the obsolete App.lua (eg. this API doc). Not that I cannot do a necessary adaptation myself, but it goes with the territory of rock solid foundations And not that I do not understand that it's not a small task, considering the volume of the API. P.S. Shaders make integral part of LE suite and it would be thus important to have some guide on how to implement them in LE. It's the shaders that make one of the cornerstones of professionally looking games (or at least of that "wow" effect), IMHO, and knowing how to use them in LE (I'm not talking about teaching people OpenGL or shaders) would give us much more community generated shaders. This would give an edge to LE.
  9. Thank you! Will there be any intermediate/advanced tutorial series? For example, how to load/save game (or part of it), or how to load generic files (for example, XML files) and how to parse them. Or yet, how to write shaders LE way, make procedurally models from vertex buffers / triangles and similar...
  10. On the other hand, I don't have an ambition to make a window manager. I just want to implement a barebones solid library that gives us graphical entities, properties and methods out of the box. At this point, I don't even want to implement such things as buttons, menus and similar. For example, I want to have a sprite with a method SetPivot. A nice addition would be to have a nesting hierarchy of entities, so that transformations of a parent sprite get automatically applied to children sprites. Btw, @Einlander, do you plan to release your library? Another question: do you know how one goes to implement pivot?
  11. Cool If anyone has something that is less basic and more consistent than this, it would be great to see it. A community project with contributors and maintainers would be even greater
  12. I've just read your example. It's such a shame that scaling does not work proprely in all cases. I've tested it with DrawImage/Text/Rectangle and it works as expected. Also, I've bumped into problems with SetTranslation cause I wanted to implement variable pivot for the rotation (put the rotation pivot in the center of the image, for example). Although I've done it already in HTML5 canvas, SetScale here does not work in the similar way...
  13. You're welcome Please do signal any bugs or inconsistencies. I feel that it's essential that we have something like this in LE.
  14. Hello, I've just put on the github a LE based extremelly lightweight 2d drawing library draft for easy mini 2d game creation and a bit more complex UI creation Here is a blog post that explains the motivation and a link to my github. Just put those 2 files (including LED folder) in your Scripts folder and lauch the game to see what you can do with a library
  15. Let's admit it, LE context drawing functions are essentially OK, but are very basic and very low-level. I wish something like LED library API would make a part of the official LE API one day. Until then, here is LED: a lightweight (~350 lines of code) LUA 2d drawing library draft. It gives you out of the box entities - Text, Panel, Image and Animation - enriched with useful functions like SetPosition, SetScale, SetColor, Release and similar. In order to use it grab Main.lua (for the example) and LED/LED.lua (for the lib itself) files from my github. P.S. Library is in its early state of development, so bugs are possible (even trivial ones ). In the future, I'll add the documentation (for now, use the Main.lua example and read the code - it's not complicated) and more functionality. Do not hesitate to participate in the development if you like the project. EDIT 04.06.15 Added SetPivot() via shaders. EDIT 05.06.15 Added Intersection(). Now you can test for basic rectangle based overlapping.
  16. Hello, when I use Context:DrawRect() with scaled (1, 3) context with a style = 1 (ie. not filled) I get this as a result: On the contrary, when I use style = 0 - ie. filled rectangle, everything seems to be OK:
  17. Maybe now it's the right time to get it if you need it: P.S. How do you do a global variable dump?
  18. Thank you for these excellent answers! I'm wandering, though, why those stay undocumented... Btw, how do you know these things? From Visual Studio auto-complete, trial & error, and similar? P.S. If they are there, why do you say that they are unsupported? Because they might change in the future, might disappear, or similar?
  19. I have two questions regarding terrain: 1) How can I access a terrain made in the editor from Lua script? Secondly, is there any way to create it programmatically / procedurally, ie. via scripting and not in the editor? 2) I see that a terrain is shaded, which is fine. However, I notice that it does not cast shadows, which is very unrealistic. Is there a way to make it cast shadows. Thank you!
  20. Thank you. I had similar issues with point lights. This is probably the last AMD card that I'll ever buy in any near future.
  21. Clamping is more for things like skyboxes and similar. Clamping basically means that a texture will be stretched and not wraped (repeated). It's used to prevent seems... Does have nothing to do, IMO, with lensflare flickering problem. Lensflare should not flicker like crazy. It's either a problem with my graphics card or with LE. Has anyone used lensflare with any success?
  22. Is it normal for the lensflare to flicker like crazy? Also, I've noticed that when I set occlusion culling to false, it does not get displayed at all. How do we use lensflare at all?
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