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Everything posted by metaldc4life

  1. got it working! thanks! do you happen to know how to adjust the x, y axis on the mouse because I have this water script that I downloaded from klepto that I attached to the player but it won't let me look up or down.. it prevents me from looking up or down... Thanks again!
  2. I think I'm starting to understand a little now and if my theory is correct, the reference would be in the player script and I would use this line somehow: self.camera = self.Camera but how would I implement it into this script properly? camera:SetKeyValue("godray_pos", Vec3(-x, -y, -z));
  3. Hi Thanks for the reply but what do you mean by where I store it I don't understand?
  4. well, I tried it and I got this: "C:/Users/Gaming Rig/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/MyGame/scripts/godrays.lua" : 1 : attempt to index global 'camera' (a nil value)
  5. oh...lol i'm new to all this but LOVE it. anyways, thank you i'll try it out! =)
  6. Hi, I was needing help with this script for godrays please.. camera->SetKeyValue("godray_pos", std::string(Vec3(-x, -y, -z))); I get the error below: "C:/Users/Gaming Rig/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/MyGame/scripts/godrays.lua" : 1 : '=' expected near '-'
  7. yeah your right thanks =) would this be a good start on learning lua? http://www.amazon.com/Programming-Lua-Roberto-Ierusalimschy/dp/859037985X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1410455626&sr=8-1&keywords=lua
  8. well I just bought the c++ version on steam so I will give that a whirl first but I will keep that in mind (your tutorial lesson) Thank You!
  9. so is c++ easier to learn than lua because i'm having a hard time learning lua..
  10. well what is the difference between the two then? leadwerks 2.0 and 3.0?
  11. Can someone show me how I can add an animation to something like a shrub? (better yet where to get an animation heh)
  12. so there is no way to use it? =/ do you know how I can get this to work then? require("scripts/class") local class=CreateClass(...) class.beginframe = 0 class.endframe = 301 class.animationspeed=0.35 function class:CreateObject(model) local object=self.super:CreateObject(model) model:SetRotation(Vec3(0,math.random(500)-1,0)) uninstancedframe=class.beginframe+math.random(class.endframe-class.beginframe)-1 object.frame=uninstancedframe function object:Draw() self.frame = self.frame + class.animationspeed * AppSpeed() if self.frame>class.endframe then self.frame=0 end self.model:Animate(self.frame,1,0,1) end end
  13. to go into further detail I am trying to add an animated deer so I add the script it came with and got this: attempt to call global 'require' (a nil value) on this line: require("scripts/class")
  14. what does this mean?: attempt to call global 'require' (a nil value)
  15. i'm pretty sure I am because when I hit enter it does nothing and selects another entity I even tried deselecting... it won't let me create anything not even a box man so my whole development is not going so well because of this simple thing.. i'm lost...lol? any other suggestions maybe? Thanks Again! aha!! I got it! thank you!!!! lol, I never though a little box would be a sight for sore eyes! Thank You For Your Help again!
  16. It still won't let me.. I can't even make a box in the 2d screens for some reason? Is there a setting that I have to uncheck or something? Thank Your For Your Help!
  17. Hi! I was needing to know how I can create a pivot.. simple as that I know it's under miscellaneous but how do I add it to the game so I can get my project rolling again.. Thank You!
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