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Blog Entries posted by reepblue

  1. reepblue
    As I mentioned in my previous post, throughout my time of developing Vectronic on the Source Engine, the project never had more than four maps because so much time and worry was focused on the concern of how it's going to look. While the overall art style, and the balance of visual noise is importation for a project like this, I was spending more time on this than making more maps and puzzles.
    I decided to once again start from scratch and only focus on the maps and gameplay for the time being. With this mindset, I've gotten close to seven maps shelled out in dev textures, placeholder models, and no lighting. On top of those seven maps, I've got two more ideas down on paper. With this method of developing, perfecting the how the elements interact with each other is much easier to do.
    I can easily change a puzzle, or how a puzzle is solved if something ends up not working the way I intended it to, without moving a handful of models and lights.

    As you can see, there is only a white ambient Light being used, Doors just appear and disappear, and platforms use the Sliding Door Script. Things are coded to be as simple as possible in this era of development. I even made the two ball colors primary red and blue for simplistic identification. As I said before, if the game is fun like this, It's only going to get better from here!

    With how fast maps are moving, additional elements that were not in the demo were needed quicker. And the new puzzle elements such as trip lasers and ball launchers only have basic functionality built in to not slow down the development of new maps. If something needs to be tweaked, it can easily be done with little worry of it breaking something else. The elements are being developed with the maps that use them, not in some zoo developer map with code that might be needed like I've done before.
    I'm making it so that each idea is it's own map. Although the engine would be able to handle a few rooms in one map, puzzle games are different then story driven games. Puzzlers need to be perfectly balanced. If you introduce something too soon, too late, or too many new things at once, the learning curve will not be well, a learning curve, and you can overwhelm, or bore the player. Having each idea or puzzle tied to one map, I can easily switch the order, cut out, or add in maps in-between without much headache. I might combine maps when the order of them settle in the future, but it might just be the really small ones.

    I've currently been making maps in order of progression, but I think in the future, I'm just going to make puzzles not worrying about the order of progression, and workout how (or if at all) they'll fit in the game. My goal is to get ten or fifteen maps done before I even think about how everything is going to look. At the rate I'm going, I should be back in Blender and Paint.net by next month! I have ideas about updating the visual style, but nothing I plan on talking about yet.
    Sorry about not posting this article Friday like I said I was going to. I want to write a development blog weekly for my sake of keeping me motivated, so expect at least that.
  2. reepblue
    I recently updated the Leadwerks Extended Executable with more shaders, and hot fixes. Fetch and pull this update in git. I wanted to post this yesterday, but I was having issues.
    Fix 1: No more crashing upon Alt+Tabbing
    This fix is eventually gonna be made engine side, but I was not sure if Josh plans on that being pushed to the default branch, or the beta branch. While the beta and default branch are synced, I jumped the gun and fixed it.

    //---------------------------------------------------------\\ // This will be fixed engine side in a future version of LE.
    // For now, we are gonna apply this patch.
    if (window->Active())
    // Update the world.
    if (window->Minimized() == false)
    2: Fixed saving conflict between the options and advanced options panel.
    Before I went to bed last night, I noticed that if you edited a property on the advanced panel, then edited a property on the options menu, the old value you just changed on the advanced panel would reset. This has been fixed by reloading the xml file before it saves values.
    3: Fullscreen mode will now always get the current display resolution.
    In the initial release, the application would get the size of the display and store it in the settings.xml file. Although this was a good idea, I realized that this could be bad as a display can change if the user want's to play your game on his 1080p TV while they have a 900p monitor. If fullscreen is enabled, it will now ignore the resolution stored in the settings file, and just fetch the current display size from the System. The screenwidth and screenheight properties are now only used for windowed mode.
    4: More Shaders!
    I've added animated versions for the color-emission, cubemap, and detail model shaders.
    I'm currently working on some documentation for this, and will update the opening post of the tread with Google Doc links to them. I've also set a Trello board for this so you can see what's next on the list for this project. Hopefully it will not become a wasteland like my Vectronic Trello.
    Although I feel that this is solid how it is, continue to add your input and suggestions.
  3. reepblue
    I've been reading and posting here and there on the forums for quite some time now, and being that my current project is taking shape, I think it's time that I introduce myself, and in the next post, I'll share some goals of my project.
    Quick Bio:
    As a Kid, I've had an interest in game development with my hundreds of hours I put into RPGMaker 2000/XP. At that time, I was mostly inspired by The Legend of Zelda series and other top down games that could be made in the program.
    When I was a young teen, I was not really into PC games. I stuck to my old Nintendo consoles while my brother would play Counter-Strike: Source on a daily basis. I remember him once showing me a custom map he made for CSS that be based off our local 7-Eleven store. He was showing me how he made the textures, and a bunch of other simple things. I can't recall if I was blown away, or wanted him to stop talking so I could do my thing to be honest.
    After a while, my interest in game development started to fade, and I got more into graphic design for websites and such. But then game called Portal. I was not into first person shooters, but I did like Puzzle games, and this game was one of a kind when it released. My brother got The Orange Box package and I played the living hell out of Portal. The game was so interesting to me and there came a point where I would turn on cheats, take the metal rectangles, move them into position, and save the game. Then a "custom puzzle" would be loaded like loading a saved state.
    And it begins!:
    To make a long story short, I eventually got The Orange Box for the PC, got a budget build, and made a lot of maps that never got released. Portal 1's gameplay elements where just a collection of base engine entities that worked together. I spent months on end learning how to make breakable glass, the indicator strips, buttons, doors, you name it! After I felt like I had enough knowledge of map making, and the I/O system, I decided to work on my first mappack called Blue Portals.

    The project was on and off. I was working on another project at the time, so these maps were totally remade from the ground up with a new art design.

    Through out the years and other side projects, Blue Portals was released on November 29th, 2010. The mod got mix reviews, and looking back on the project, I can say that it's not for everyone. But I can say that it does have a cult following.
    With the release of Portal 2, of course I was excited to work on custom maps. I first started to to work on a Blue Portals 2 to fix the flaws of the original, and to add other cool elements. But due to the different FileSystem structure of that branch of Source, and my lack of knowledge of it at the time, I canned it. It was a good thing too, because DLC1 made the unused Adhesion Gel weird which BP2 used.
    I've made some small mappacks such as A Little Higher, Tornate, and Feather Away. I also worked on most of the test chambers for Alive & Kicking while I was making new game concepts still within the Source Engine. After a while, Portal started to get boring, and the second DLC for Portal 2 (PTI) made me lose interest in making Portal puzzles because now anyone could do it, and it killed the art for me.
    I started a project in the Source Engine called Punt and to sum it up, it was me trying to find what I want as my own puzzle game.


    After a while, I got the gist that the main core concept of the Puntgun was not fun. That, and the code base was a mess due to the Puntgun being a mod of the gravitygun, and poor tracer code. Also, Valve released a new SDK base to replace the one from 2007, and I really wanted my mod to be less like Portal gameplay wise.
    In the next entry, I'll talk more about my project, the goals and why I decided to port it to LE3.
    In the meantime, you can checkout my Youtube channel to see what I've done throughout the years. (I hope to put Leadwerks related content on it soon!)
    And here is my blogger which as more of my writings and thoughts:
    Thank you for reading/watching. I hope you are willing to hear more!
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