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Posts posted by Ywa

  1. Hi everyone,


    I'm trying to export a model from 3dsmax to LE using the (unofficial) exporter. This model uses a tiled texture to repeat it multiple times onto the model. It looks fine in 3DS. But it just places it as 1 texture per face/side in LE (both editor & model viewer).


    How can I fix this?




    - Ywa

  2. Tried to create my own wheels to make sure the phy files are correct. But they have a wrong rotation (even if I rotate them again in 3dsmax) (screenshot).


    LE lacks some serious tutorials and modelling source files (for example, I wish we had the original max/fbx/3ds file of the monstertruck + wheels).

  3. Hi,


    I was wondering how exporting of vehicles goes. I tried to make a simple vehicle (as you can see) and put the monstertruck wheels on it (using a copied script). However, the vehicle goes through the terrain/floor (screenshot). Is it because my phy file doesn't take care of the wheels (screenshot), like the other ones seem to do?


    In short: Anyone got a few tips for making a vehicle work in LE?




    - Ywa

  4. Hi everyone,


    Apparently the monster-truck just keeps hanging in the air with both own code and in the editor. While the viperscout works fine. I tried to compare their Lua code and other settings. But I wasn't able to find anything.


    So does anyone got an idea why the monster-truck simply don't work?


    Thanks in advance.


    - Ywa

  5. Hi everyone,


    When I try to load the driver-script (through a require function) from Engine.exe (with an editted start.lua to load a scene and such) I get the following runtime error:

    Unhandled Exception:Zip data error


    It seems it's caused by loading materials from the PAK file. Is it protected or some sort, or can it be fixed?


    Code it gives the error on:



    Thanks in advance!


    - Ywa

  6. Wchris, I tried to use the GetEntityKey function in Delphi, but it gives an A/V in engine.dll. GetEntityKey uses a AnsiString with assignation. So I guess that doesn't fix it. Got any other ideas?


    Edit: Got a work-around. Simply use PAnsiChar without a default value assigned to it. Kinda sucks, but it works. :)

  7. Wow this looks really cool. Is this game being aimed at PSN or Retail release ?

    Not 100% sure but I read somewhere it was for PSN. Anyways, really can't wait to play something that's made with LE. ;)

  8. Well, mine is in H:\Leadwerks Engine SDK (can't move it to C:\ ). I copied some of the directories to the SimpleFWExample folder. And it runs fine. But when I shutdown I get a lot Access Violations in the console. So it's a bit different.


    Yes I know it's not the latest driver. But it's seems it's more a Delphi problem since other LE templates (C++ for example) work fine.

  9. Well, I regenerated the Leadwerks.pas file. And it compiles ok now. Didn't test any functions which utilize the AnsiString-type yet.


    For the crash. I basically get it with your SimpleFWExample code. And even a stripped down version of it. I could send you the exe, but the path of our LE installations may vary.. so that would not work anyways. Guess it's an ATi + Delphi problem then. I might move to C++ anyways.


    Thanks for now. :)

  10. Thanks Wchris. Already managed to get it compiling, but my method caused some instability with those functions. So I'll try your PascalTypes.txt method instead.


    Would be great indeed if you can compile a Delphi test project that works fine on yours.


    - Ywa

  11. i dont think people should bother with developing for consoles especially when the new ones are coming out in 2 years. i think Leadwerks should focus on bringing back the PC gaming community and not being a cryengine 3 knock off.

    2 years? Source?


    As far as I know both X360 and PS3 will stay for atleast another 4 to 5 years.

    • Upvote 1
  12. I think it's a bit disappointing that we can't see Portal 2 in full visual quality, since it's not for the PC.

    Same goes for all games which don't come out for the PC and need to suffer from the 10 year old hardware technology of consoles.

    Wtf? Valve's main-platform is the PC.


    Portal 2 will be released for PC, Mac, PS3 and Xbox360. The PC version will be optimized and is the main development platform. So it's not a crappy from-console port!

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