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Posts posted by ocean

  1. So, if I'm ever going to get a project done I'm going to have to go retro... Is it possible to make a super-low-poly flat shaded game in Leadwerks? I tried importing plain colors as textures, but they seem awfully smooth by default at least.

  2. I'm a passionate Thief fan (the originals, not the lacklustre reboot) and I've been thinking about making something similar using the Leadwerks engine. So, I'm wondering what's possible to achieve as it stands today. Mostly how sound is processed. Because that's such an important part of games like this.

    Sound propogation, how is that handled out of the box? Can I have different footstep sounds according to what surface the player is on (NPS's too, of course)? Can it easily register how visible the player is to NPCs? What would it take to implement features such as swimable water, climbable ropes, extinguishable light sources etc?


    I'm guessing there'll be a lot of programming involved in such a project, but will Lua suffice as I currently only have the Indie edition?


    Thank you for your time.

  3. No. This isn't my actual framerate, it's the screen recording software interfering I suppose.

    I don't have to turn too quickly to have it happen, and it's just that one wall (brush) that's affected.


    I still can't upload files... I'll hear with Josh if he can work some magic on my permissions.


    Thanks, guys. :)

  4. Hi there! :)


    I've just started building in Leadwerks again after a long break. I'm having an issue where portions of a wall keep disappearing and the skybox behind it is rendered instead. Wondering what I might have done wrong or if it's a bug... It's just the one wall and it doesn't matter if I replace it. I figure it's best to try and fix these things early on.


    Keep in mind, I'm a Beginner with a captial 'B'.


    Thanks. :)


    Video link: http://youtu.be/y1rEu0D0sks

  5. While I wait for the Linux version on Steam to surface, I spend some time in Blender making the standard pack of assets. Too bad I can't UV unwrap to save my life... Working on a lantern now that's proving very difficult. :/


    (Textures are from CGTextures)


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  6. Please excuse my complete lack of knowledge on this subject... I have some experience modding for Doom3 and the original Thief titles and some modelling experience in Blender3d, but that's about it.


    How would a complete novice go about getting a Blender model with textures and all into Leadwerks? Do I have to worry about scaling at all?


    Thank you for your time. :)

  7. I think the world is heading more and more towards an open-source model... And about time too. I'd rather have a thriving modding community than have my work locked up inside a fortress of concrete and steel. But that's just me. :)

  8. I just read the other thread which seems to confirm that all supported platforms will be available (eventually) once purchased. My enthusiasm could color my interpretation though... Perhaps I should wait, just in case. :)

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