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Posts posted by nick.ace

  1. @Josh


    I'm really happy to hear that those top 5 will be making it! I'm happy with a lot of the new features introduce this year!


    Haha good luck with vehicle AI! It is a TON of work. If you ever want to look at my scripts I'll gladly release them to you if you think it'll save you some time as I'll be working on the vehicle AI of my game for the next few weeks (I would release them to the community now, but the setup work is a bit involved). Of course, you'll probably implement it much better than me!

  2. I didn't mean to offend or anything, sorry if I came in off that way. I have worked projects, in industry as well as in college, of various sizes including huge programs before not in a game dev setting. And I've been programming for 8-9 years with many different languages and such.


    Anyway, there are certainly applications that would benefit from more local variables, but global variables also have the advantage of being centralized in one file/location. I absolutely hate when values are passed in through half a dozen classes before being usable, it becomes unwieldy at times. Maybe you like that due to the scalability, but a lot of games don't feature simplistic UI driven interactions. Also, there is a bit of overhead with passing variables that global variables eliminate.


    Of course, there are situations where global variables can cause issues such as with threading, but as long as you don't just instantiate globals throughout your code, global variables can actually be a good thing because they can be easier to track.

  3. public variables? what do you mean with this? you mean globals? those are bad things and shouldn't be used.


    I've heard this a bunch, but why shouldn't they be used? The only reason I can think of is ambiguity of global and local variables with the same names, but other than that, I can't think of a reason why they are bad.

  4. That graphics card is described as " ultra powerfull" in review I just read.

    Yeah, but that's in relation to the price and energy efficiency that it has. I've been pleased with the performance of the card considering that it has a ridiculously low power consumption rate. My processor to be honest is probably more of a bottleneck.


    I guess related to this:

    How many vehicles can be supported by Leadwerks? Was the vehicle class designed for dozens of vehicles or just a few?

  5. Yeah, so each model is between 5k to 10k, and they only have one texture each, no bones, and the textures are 2k. Each material has three maps attached (a cubemap, a specular mask, and a diffuse). They also have wheels, but the wheel meshes are all the same, regardless of the body model, so that shouldn't do anything wrong. I can post a short video later to show the dip. It seems odd because I wouldn't expect that type of performance decrease.


    I should also note that I am using a custom shader, but that shader is also used for the test with the 6 uniform cars.

  6. So, I was trying to find out why my game's framerate wasn't the best, and I came across an unexpected discovery. When I have 6 separate car models in game, the framerate plummets. However, if I use the same car model, the framerate is more reasonable.


    Anyway, I was just wondering, is this supposed to happen? I mean I only have 6 AI cars currently, but the performance seems a bit low. The FPS drops about 75% (like from 40 fps to 10 fps or something like that) once all 6 models are added.

  7. One thing that sort of drives me up the wall (due to the fact that I use dozens of pivots), is that you can't directly select a child of a mesh by clicking on it. You have to find the mesh in the scene tab and then go through each child to find it.


    I think it would be easier to have some sort of selection such as Alt-LMB to select just the child.

  8. Wow, that literally looks straight out of a AAA game!


    I agree with Guppy with the specular maps since parts look too since parts look like plastic.


    Also, I would maybe add more detail to the backpack and shoes (like higher res textures) because from behind, the character's detail level is a bit inconsistent, although this might be the overuse of specularity.


    I really like the face, jeans, and the hands (yep that's a weird criticism haha). But his hands seem to have amazing geometry (although the whole model really does but the hands are particularly impressive).


    Good job! Keep it up!

  9. @Aggror: I tried that, and it works to some extent, but when you use a mesh with multiple textures, the textures start cutting through each other. With the character I'm using, the person starts to look like a zombie. biggrin.png


    @Genebris and Guppy: That looks like it should work. Thanks! I'll test later today.


    Edit: I tested it, but the game crawls after that. I think I'm just going to take a much simpler route with prerendered images of the characters since this would be quicker and easier to implement.

  10. Yes, you publish on Steam (either through the Leadwerks workshop or through the Greenlight program).


    Leadwerks offers password-protected zip files. Under File->Project Manager press Publish. Then, a dialogue comes up with a radio box that says "Encrypt Files." If you press this, then the files get encrypted.

    • Upvote 1
  11. Here are some suggestions as to why this may not work (yes the first suggestion is kind of obvious, but just want to check, and if it isn't obvious, then there should be clearer documentation on this):

    • You need to hold your mouse over the perspective window while doing this
    • You have a full-screen shader that shouldn't be a full-screen shader

    What does your project look like? Could you maybe post a screenshot? If it's just a blank project, then you can just say that.

  12. Welcome to the community!


    For you first question, you can look around the world you create by holding down the right mouse button and moving your mouse in the perspective view. As far as orbiting (looking at a 3D point while moving around it), I don't think this is possible automatically, although I might be wrong.


    I would avoid using debug mode whenever possible. People seem to get confused for when to use it. I think that's its main purpose is to allow for exceptions to occur and not end the program (essentially exception handling), so I would avoid using it for right now. It also runs very slow.


    If you do need to use it in the future for some reason, please file a bug report and post relevant assets (like code) so that Josh can better diagnose this. As far as I know, I haven't seen this error before, but it may be glitch, or it might be an issue with the code, it's too hard to tell.

  13. Computers are more comfortable with things being power of two because you can optimized that quite heavily.


    or to put it another way stick to resolutions where x & y are one of 128,256,512,1024,2048,4096


    That's spot on, but if you really NEED 1600x160, then you should make a 2048x256 image and just add transparency around the 1600x600 part. I'm not sure if Leadwerks automatically scales to the closest power of two, but in your case it seems like it did.

  14. I'm trying to get motion-blur working for my game, but I'm having a little trouble because I'm stuck at the most important part.


    Does anyone know how to get the previous screen? I imagine that there needs to be some sort of texture storage in the Lua post-process file, but I'm not really sure how to do this.

  15. I would play with the prefabs first and then replace them with other models. Also, the Steam Workshop is a new feature this year, and there are some pretty good items in there.


    There are also a ton of modelling software applications available, a lot of them are free as well.



    • Blender: steep learning curve, very powerful
    • Anim8or: yes, I use this one haha, easier to learn, more of a CAD feel to it, doesn't support exporting animations well though
    • Wings3D: like Anim8or, doesn't support animations at all, but good UV mapping (for texturing) capabilities
    • Sculptris: very easy to use and produce great results, doesn't do animations, and polycounts tend to be horrendous
    • CharacterFX: free 3D animator, so it works well with the other applications that don't support animation well


    • 3ds Max/Maya: pretty much the industry standard, most powerful of them all, but very expensive
    • Silo3D: this one was on the workshop and at least the first version is is pretty easy to use, but is more of a modeller, and the price isn't too bad
    • Fragmotion: decent all-in-one application
    • UVMapper Pro: great file format converter and UV mapper, helps with cleaning up models


    I've used a ton of programs before, but I would recommend using CharacterFX, Anim8or (or Wings3D), and Blender for everything. If you choose to purchase a program, I would definitely recommend UVMapper Pro, since that program is very handy.


    For free resources outside of the Workshop:


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