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Marleys Ghost

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Posts posted by Marleys Ghost

  1. I did come across an MMO engine a while back that appeared to offer 256 terrain texture layers, not sure how they were managing that or what possible compromises there might have been.


    This link has some interesting information and looks at various different techniques: TerrainAdvancedTextures


    If I remember correctly T3D allows ~250 layers for a terrain block by using an 8 bit index for layer storage, I dont know if that includes the detail and bump texturing (I don't think it does), and I don't know if I'd have the need for that many or the patience to paint a terrain with that many lol.

    • Upvote 1
  2. I have a copy somewhere, I'll see if I can find it and post it. As MG suggests for the crates you can simply create a box physics body


    For the crate I uploaded to the asset store it already has a dynamic .phy file ... I even checked yesterday and DL'd it unpacked it and dropped the folder into models in the SDK .. no problems with gravity.

  3. Cool never noticed that before. On some weapons I get some crazy verts on the glove in UU3D but I don't get that in Fragmosoft so it worked out pretty well to mirror then export from Fragmosoft (I did fbx) then open with UU3D and those verts were fine. Not sure what that's all about.



    Whilst using Fragmotion in the conversion pipeline will help with some of the more "troublesome" models/HUDs there are some that still won't import correctly to it. I wrote a convertor in DarkBasic Pro to make use of its import/export functionality, which helped with those but still not all of them.


    Some weapons (M4A1) have 1/2 of the weapon missing. I think I asked this before but can't remember if there was an easy solution to this or if it required some detailed modelling to get the other side of the weapon. Any ideas?


    If you mean the FPS HUD's then the weapons tend to have the faces that wont be seen removed, to save on the poly count I guess.

  4. But why would infinity multiplied by zero let zero win?


    Maybe you know someone who has a six year old doing rudimentary mathematics at school who might be able to explain it to you?

  5. Yes, maybe a am tool of god, like we all are, or of some higher power smile.png



    Actually I think you just have no understanding of elementary mathematics, but you are entitled to your delusion .. sorry.. opinion wink.png

  6. I don't know if I am right, but I only look what mingw tells me, and I have to trust it, because it's my main tool in programming.



    I was given the impression you were the big tool in what you do? <coff>

  7. no no no Ken Assuming Metatron is correct and therefore rearranging the equation 1/0 = ∞ gives a correct definition that 1 = ∞*0 then knowing that 0 + 0 = 0 we can write this as:


    (0 + 0) * ∞ = 1


    Multiplying out the brackets we get:


    ∞ * 0 + ∞ * 0 = 1


    But we know from Mika that ∞ * 0 = 1 therefore the real value of 1 is


    1 + 1 = 1


    or maybe with a little more basic algebra its 1 - 1 = 1 but its not 1 = 0 .... sheesh dont you know anything????? rolleyes.gif

  8. For me, much of a games enjoyment, is how it immerses me in its plot and environment. Interrupting me to show advertisements would ruin this huge aspect of gameplay for me, and to be blunt, piss me off. I would then avoid, no matter how good a game, any title that had this system incorperated. For instance, say you were playing a "Dead Space" style game ... creeping around ... tension building ... low on ammo, health.. just a little .. and then as you turn a dark corner ... holding your breath, turning in all directions to try and light the entire scene ahead with a low powered flashlight, which is nothing but an excercise in futility .. so close to saftey and a save point ....suddenly!




    I don't think you are being too sensitive Flex m8.

    • Upvote 1
  9. No a game has to look like Battlefield 3 for me to consider it AAA GRAPHICS.


    So you are using your opinion as to what "AAA Graphics" are .... which brings us back to what is the rule of thumb for "AAA" anything? I like this definition ..


    "The distinction is deceptively straightforward. When you tell your parents (who are still baffled about quite what it is that you do) about a medium-budget game project, they - trying to be appreciative and supportive - will say 'Aah'. But if it's a larger-budget game project they, to indicate they realise it's a bigger deal, will nod and say 'AAAh'"

    Ed Stern


    I think AAA is more a marketing thing thats a function of budget in IMHO, but graphics? Dear Esther ? (not a game in my opinion), others,Orcs Must Die,Trine 2 and

    ? ..
  10. huh, 5 pages of comments and arguments about expectations, graphics engine definitions, making games....


    ...and all I did was to ask "when it's going to be released" cool.png


    C'mon GP you should know, nothing is straight forward around here ... lol

  11. Setup your application directory, make sure you have a copy of the scripts directory in the SDK copied to it along with newton.dll and shaders.pak. You will also need to set up lua-gluefunctions.bmx in the same directory. This can be created by running:


    Framework leadwerks.engine
    Import "PATH TO YOUR 2.x SDK FOLDERBMXFrameworkframework.bmx"
    Import lugi.generator
    Notify "lua-gluefunctions.bmx Generation Complete"



    Then use the following for a simple framework context:



    Framework leadwerks.ENGINE
    Import "PATH TO YOUR 2.x SDK FOLDERBMXFrameworkframework.bmx"
    Include "lua-gluefunctions.bmx"
    AppTitle:String = "Blank"
    RegisterAbstractPath "PATH TO YOUR 2.x SDK FOLDER"
    Global fw:TFramework = TFramework.Create()
    If Not fw RuntimeError "Failed to initialize engine."
    SetScriptObject("fw", fw)
    If KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) Exit
    If AppTerminate() Exit
    fw.renderer.gbuffer = Null
    Function StringToVec2:TVec2(text:String, scale:Float = 1.0)
    	Local t:TVec2 = Vec2(1)
    	Local sarr:String[]
    	sarr = text.split(",")
    	If sarr
    			If sarr.length > 0 t.x = Float(sarr[0]) * scale
    			If sarr.length > 1 t.y = Float(sarr[1]) * scale
    	Return t
    Function StringToVec3:TVec3(text:String, scale:Float = 1.0)
    	Local t:TVec3 = Vec3(1)
    	Local sarr:String[]
    	sarr = text.split(",")
    	If sarr
    			If sarr.length > 0 t.x = Float(sarr[0]) * scale
    			If sarr.length > 1 t.y = Float(sarr[1]) * scale
    			If sarr.length > 2 t.z = Float(sarr[2]) * scale
    	Return t
    Function StringToVec4:TVec4(text:String, scale:Float = 1.0)
    	Local t:TVec4 = Vec4(1)
    	Local sarr:String[]
    	sarr = text.split(",")
    	If sarr
    			If sarr.length > 0 t.x = Float(sarr[0]) * scale
    			If sarr.length > 1 t.y = Float(sarr[1]) * scale
    			If sarr.length > 2 t.z = Float(sarr[2]) * scale
    			If sarr.length > 3 t.w = Float(sarr[3]) * scale
    	Return t
    Function SetScriptObject(name:String, o:Object)
    	Local size:Int=GetStackSize()
    Function GetStackSize:Int()
    	Return lua_gettop(luastate.L)
    Function SetStackSize(size:Int)
    	Local currentsize:Int=GetStackSize()
    	If size<currentsize

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