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Posts posted by DarthRaff

  1. Hello,


    can someone, please, tell me where can i find tutorials of hlsl ? I want to make a mirror shader and i can't "play" with the water material because i don't know what have i to change or add or eliminate to achieve the result i want. I tried in google with no success. So if someone could put me in the right direction i will walk the way myself. Thankyou.


    P.D.: i don't know if it's faster a mirror material or do it with a camera and render to a texture. (Because i want lights and shadows reflected as well). Thankyou.

  2. Hello,


    can someone, please, put me or tell me where can i find an example of how to load a scene

    using framewerk ? because if i have an example, i can't find it anywhere even in the wiki and i'd like to try it. Thank you.

  3. hi,

    i have the scripts folder from 2.31 version copied to my app folder.


    It's necessary to include something more than:


    SetGlobalObject ("camera_main",cam);


    or any specific lua script to have that lights properties working properly ?

  4. Hi,


    If i save a sbx map with the default lights propertie "lights shadow", and load it in an App, all works perfect but if i change

    this propertie to, for example, dynamic+static+buffered, then no lights apear. Can someone tell me if i have to make

    a EsceneProcessing like function to have it working ? thank you.

  5. Yes, i have to iterate through every entity and it is too expensive i think, but it's not necessary to do it in lua. It can be done in c++. It will not be possible to see the result in the editor but it is possible to do by code and use ForEachEntityAABB. Well, it depends on the needs of everyone but, anyway, i don't know what is the best way to do that.

  6. Yes, Rick, it is able to do AABB.



    Maybe the ForEachEntityAABB function that Chris Paulson mentioned is not compatible with lua but we can create the our own one if it is not compatible.



    The problem is, yes, the impossibility of change the size of the model you use with the editor, but its not necessary to have a model. just putting an entity in -x,-y,-z to take the coordinates and then move it to +x,+y,+z to take that coorditates and creating the zone in code with the properties of the entity previously moved to the center of the imaginary zone,i the editor, of course.

  7. Aha, very cool.


    Well, when i was using Blitz 3d about a year ago, i had a system to hide or show the zone where you are and the adjacent zones. I were using 3d world studio like that: i create a zone and then put a entity in the -x,-y,-z position of the zone and take the coordinates, then move the entity to +x,+y,+z and take the coordinates. Then, Put this coordinates in the properties of the zone with the anterior zone and posterior zone too and delete the entity (je,je not very professional, but functional), then, in code, i had a system to take that coordinates from the entity, and use them to check if the player IsInsideZone(whatever number) and show the zones that are in the properties and hide the others. Maybe we can use something similar to check the sound-trigger-whatever zones without any collision needed and can do it in the editor, but i don't know if this system is too expensive in game play or not. :)

  8. Hi,


    I have a question about how to do different sounds of different type of "terrain", for example walking over a tiled floor, concrete floor, wood flor; or for decals on different materials like glass, wood, concrete.... How would you do it ? prepare it with different gmf models of, for example, one for the floor, one for the walls, etc, and then assign them different collision types? (i don't think so, because of too many collision types), or maybe depending on the material of the models?. Anyway i don't know how to codify or edit it. Can you help me please? thankyou.

  9. Hi,


    I updated from 2.30 and tried the crouching system but it not recognize the parameters ("UpdateController not take 6 arguments")

    i use this to create the controller:



    this to activate it:

    	if (KeyHit(KEY_C)){
            if (ControllerCrouched(player)){


    and this for update:



    where is the 2.31 version? or what i'm doig wrong, please. Thankyou

  10. Hi everybody,


    I just changed my pc and reinstalled leadwerks. When i try to start a new project from the wizard it doesn't work i don't know why. But i just need the manual configuration for create a new project with visual c++ 2008 because it's the only thing that i not have documentation about and i like to do it manually. So, if you are so gentle, can you put me an example of that configuration or tell me where can i find it, please? thank you.

  11. Hi,


    my PC is over because i updated yesterday to service pack 3 and now can't start the pc with xp i don't know why.I'm using vista by now but some programs like ultimate unwrap doesn't run so i need xp, so i will buy a new machine and the question is : Have i to purchase a new license if i change my pc ? i will not use the old one anymore. Thankyou.

  12. Hi,


    I have that question:


    Is better to use four textures 1024x1024 or one 4096x4096 where are the four 1024x1024 together in, for example , a interior of a mansion?


    I have this doubt now when i'm remaking my model of a mansion using milkshape 3d(because i don't like the difficult of other programs like 3dsmax or blender) since we can't load 3dws models(i know we can pass 3dwstogmf but is better not for me). So what do you think about? thanks

  13. Hi,


    Can someone, please, put me an example of basic properties table to use in the editor because mine give me errors and i don't know how to solve it.


    Here is my code:

    local class=CreateClass(...)
    function class:CreateObject(model)
    local object=self.super:CreateObject(model)
    function class:InitDialog(grid)
    group:AddProperty("Classname", PROPERTY_STRING ,"room")
    group:AddProperty("tipo",PROPERTY_STRING ,"room")


    give me :"table index is nil" in that line:


    group:AddProperty("Classname", PROPERTY_STRING ,"room")



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