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Everything posted by DarthRaff

  1. 1>j:\projects_2.50\prueba1_250\prueba1_250.cpp(573) : error C2882: 'std' : illegal use of namespace identifier in expression 1>j:\projects_2.50\prueba1_250\prueba1_250.cpp(574) : error C3861: 'Delay': identifier not found The errors
  2. Hello, can someone tell me what i doing wrong here: // Send to screen Flip(0) ; TEntity ent; string cname; for (int i = 1; i <= CountChildren(playermesh); i++) { ent = GetChild(playermesh,i); cname=GetEntityKey(ent,"classname",""); printf(cname); Delay(3000); } Thankyou very much
  3. Wow, very nice. It would be possible in L. 2.5 ?
  4. Hello, Thank you very much for your time. There are .a archives that i don't know what are and how to open. I will try, thank you again
  5. Thank you for the answer, i will try more google. If someone have that file and can put it here, it will be appreciated, thanks any way
  6. Hello, Is there some kind of tutorial about save the data of a navmesh in the editor and read that data in the game code to make a pathfinder using navmesh instead of an A star node based one ? i found years ago " A Star pathfinding for beginners " that was very useful in blitz 3d, but i can't find any similar tutorial to make it with a navmesh. I don't know how to save the data an read it later in the game. Can someone help me with that ? thank you
  7. And don't forget to check if the player just falls down a slope. When he arribes at the ground he will dies or take the injury unnecessarily if it does not checked, i think
  8. aha, ok. Too much days without any le2 topic make me think about. Thanks for your answers
  9. Understood. What a pity. Tank you very much.
  10. Hello, There's nothing about leadwerks 2 since leadwerks 3 has been released. Is that comunity for leadwerks 3 users only now ? don't know if i missed something, thank you
  11. Ok, thank you very much
  12. If i use the game mode, the collisions are working. Why it doesn't fall if the collision works ?
  13. Aha, so the phy file that creates the editor when you drag a model in the editor doesn't works, i will try thank you very much
  14. Hello, Can't remember if someone asked this before but how can i do to have an object falling in the editor. I have it with collision set to "props" and mass set to "1.0" but it doesn't fall, thank you
  15. yes, but if it is a child, can't it be picked directly indeed the parent ?
  16. Hello, how do you do to have furniture drawers or so open when you press a key ? with entitypick ? but entity pick would takes the whole object if i not wrong, so how do you think is the best method to pick a drawer, for example, isteed of the cabinet ? thank you
  17. Hello, Just copy what Macklebee Say in the directional light script inside " function class:CreateObject(model) " right after the function "GetKey" and save
  18. Ok, working now. Thank you very much everybody for your time.
  19. So sorry, very long time no programming. I don't know how to use the two functions to have it working. GetMeshModel() is used by GetPickedEntity() but how to use it, i'm very lost. I tryied this but, of course, it's wrong if (KeyHit(KEY_E)) { TPick pick; pick = CameraPick(&pick,cam,Vec3(GraphicsWidth()/2,GraphicsHeight()/2,3.0),2,0,0); SendEntityMessage(GetPickedEntity(pick,3.0f,0),"use"); }
  20. Thank you very much, i'll try
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