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Everything posted by Andr3wHur5t

  1. that gets the window height, width i need the screen height, width. thanks for the sugestion,
  2. is there a comand to get the screen height, and width?
  3. fixed joint. loaded colors,and intensity from saved file.
  4. thanks, changed the intensity. cant post pic. tried to add a joint to the tank, now it looks like a marshmallow
  5. GUI is not complete
  6. update I will post a update 1 every two weeks. done = \ Started = S Not Started = N Middle = P Almost Done = A Testing = T Open for Help = open CHANGES ____________________________ Game Name: |Cybernetic feud| or |Net Wars| <--vote on name game type: |Strategy| ---------------------------- TO DO LIST: PROGRESS Custom Colors | \ | GUI Programming | \ | GUI Art | P | 3d Models | P |open Maps | N |open Terrain Textures | \ | Level Switching System| N |open Model lua programs | S |open Saving System | P | AI | N |open Networking | N |open been working on this for the past week or two. [subject to change] Current Team Members Andrew (A.K.A. Ryao) __________________________ will be released for free offers to help in would be gladly Accepted made in LUA
  7. this works with models it might work with sounds. Free(source1)
  8. Andr3wHur5t

    Zero Hour

    Sent mine in, looks fun!
  9. I fixed my problem. below is the fixed version. and a diagram explaning what the values go where.
  10. HI, I am working on some basic GUI code(e.g. clicking on a wight boxs so another box appers). The code i made makes my first two boxes but when they intersect and the button specifyed is clicked my new box dose not appear. dose anyone see what I am doing wrong?
  11. Thank you, This will save me alot of time. I am also wondering why this did not show up when I searched the wiki?
  12. Anyone??? somone pleas tell me. I can make it but would like to know if it already is in the engine so i dont lose time working on it if it is alredy there.
  13. can the scripts be compiled in to a .pak?
  14. HI, I am working on the anamations for my game,so i was wondering if there is somthing like a get frame function in leadwerks. thanks,
  15. oh i get it now thanks, got it working is it still posable to have glow on the model?
  16. here is the full .mat file i used a cusom shader that uses {paralax and glow "my_glow.frag"} it dose look basicly the same. texture0="abstract::robot_d.dds" clamp0=0,0,0 texture1="abstract::robot_n.dds" clamp1=0,0,0 texture2="abstract::robot_e.dds" clamp2=0,0,0 texture3="abstract::robot_s.dds" clamp3=0,0,0 blend=0 depthmask=1 depthtest=1 overlay=0 zsort=0 cullface=1 castshadows=1 specular=1.00000000 bumpscale=1.00000000 gloss=0.500000000 shader="abstract::mesh_diffuse_bumpmap_parallax.vert","abstract::my_glow.frag" shadowshader="abstract::mesh_shadow.vert",""
  17. Hi, so here is the story I got a character for my game from dex-soft used fbx2gmf to make it in gmf format, converted the textures to dds format, and made the mat file then put it in the name of the defuse texture. I opened the model in the model viewer the model was black then I tried loading the model in a program that i made using leadwerks the model was still black. Thanks in advance
  18. thanks,paramecij I renamed in 7-zip(basiclysame thing you said in your second sentence) now it works
  19. hi, the file name is the.pak i have no ext programs that should be able to open them unless 7-zip can and i want to make it so i cant see the files inside it. i have not used comand prompt in a long time and forget how to re-name a file in it if you can tell me the function that would save me alot of time. ,thanks
  20. sory, first compresed media files into a .zip then renamed the.zip to the.pak when i tryed to open shader.pak the file did not open. when i tryed to open the.pak the file opened.
  21. Hi so i am working on a ammo variables system and what i have come up with seems complacated. dose anyone have a more effecent idea \---z = 1 \---clip = 30 \---ammo = 300 \---reloadstart = ??? \---reloadend = ??? \---reloadk = ??? \--------------if RecevedMessage(gun,"shot") then \------------------clip=z-clip \------------------if clip = 0 then \---------------------if ammo = 0 then \------------------------notify(out of ammo,x,y) \------------------------end \---------------------if else then \------------------------PlayAnmationFrames(player,reloadstart(),reloadend()) \------------------------if anmationFrame(player,Reloadk) then \-----------------------> ammo = ammo-z \-----------------------| clip = clip+z \-----------------------| if clip() = clipfull() then \-----------------------| end \-----------------------| if else then \-----------------------| if ammo = 0 then \-----------------------| end \-----------------------> if else then the script betwen the > and | are suposed to be repeeted how meny bullets there are in a clip
  22. As far as i understand to make a pak file i make a .zip then rename it to .pak I tryed this in windows 7 it did not work Can someone tell me what i did wrong?
  23. right now i am working on some turns, intersections,endings machng this set.I also made a block so you cant see the hole suronding the entrince if you used visability tool.
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