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Posts posted by Haydenmango

  1. Just lost all the work I did today to this error. Very bummed, I need to take a break it seems. sad.png

    I can send my project if it needs to be looked at. I am in the beta and got the latest update today.


    I will probably roll over to the standard build at some point to hopefully avoid these constant issues...


    Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kla8iBMS2eQ&feature=youtu.be

  2. Looking good! The road to the prison was cool, I liked the bridge especially. The layout of the prison is coming together as well, it will look awesome once you replace the crawler enemies with prisoners! Keep up the good work. :)


    @DudeAwesome There is a difference between constructive criticism and just being rude. It seems like you are just being rude. Try using better adjectives, "weird" and "dumb" are really vague and the developer can't take anything useful from that.

    • Upvote 2
  3. A work around is to make a pivot your character controller then make your model follow that pivot using SetPosition() as well as SetRotation().

    That way you can alter your models x and z rotation while still using a character controller for movement.

  4. I am running into a lot of physics bugs ever since the latest update I received earlier today.


    The bugs include - models (that have proper collision types and collision shapes) are falling through my CSG ground, my character controller can walk through some models that have physics and a Scene collision type, my elevator platform has some sort of invisible barrier over it and when I enable the elevator it flies away.


    These issues occur 100% of the time even after changing many things like physics shape, collision type, and even replacing models. Also none of these issues occurred before the update earlier today.


    I will send my project to Josh to examine these issues if that is needed. I am using Leadwerks Indie Edition and am in the beta.


    edit-- I tested my other projects (Hunt For Food, Rise Of The Pumpkinheads) and they are also suffering from these issues.

  5. Ok so I went through all the objects in my world and found that some of my objects had children with physics shapes, after changing those objects to make the parents have the physics shape the invisible barriers went away! That makes me assume that when the game started the parent actually inherited its childs physics shape which led to giant invisible barriers. Thanks nick.ace!


    So it isn't a bug but it is something to look out for!

  6. I am running into invisible barriers while playing my game. I checked the area around where the invisible barriers show up but there is nothing there. I tried hiding all objects near the invisible barrier to see if they were the cause but it made no difference. I tried using Debug Physics Mode but the physics for the invisible barrier doesn't show. I can't seem to find any reason for why this is happening. I don't want to post my map to the public but I can send it to Josh if it helps.

  7. One-shot emitters will automatically release themselves.

    Good to know! I normally put a script on all my particle emitters that will release the particle emitter after a certain time so not having to put scripts on one shot particle emitters is cool.

  8. Do I need to Release() particle emitters once I am done with them or do they Release() themselves once they finish playing?

    It seems like I am supposed to Release() them manually and that is what I have been doing but when I look at the FPSgun.lua I can't see where the emitters being created (smoke emitter and blood emitter) are destroyed.

    Is this an issue with the FPSgun.lua, do particle emitters Release() themselves, or am I just missing something?

  9. Hey everyone!

    I made a Ammo Pickup Script that is compatible with the FPS pack that just came out. Just place the Ammo Pickup.lua on a model and while playing look at the ammo model and click E to pick up ammo.


    There are two changeable values for the amount of ammo and for the type of ammo you pickup. Here are what the default ammo types are -

    1 - Autopistol (Pistol that comes with Leadwerks, if you aren't using the machete)

    2 - Pistol

    3 - Shotgun

    4 - MP5

    5 - M4


    To see your Ammo amount you can add this into your FPSplayer.lua under the PostRender(context) function -

    if self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex]~=nil then
    context:DrawText("Ammo: "..self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex].clipammo.."/"..self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex].ammo,context:GetWidth()-100,context:GetHeight()-100)


    Ammo Pickup Script - https://www.dropbox.com/s/vdgy70rtmlnrex2/Ammo%20Pickup.lua?dl=0

    FPS Pack - http://store.steampowered.com/app/329100/

    Extra! - Med Pack Script - https://www.dropbox.com/s/jh36dtoj06ypxlz/Med%20Pack.lua?dl=0


    Let me know if there are any issues and I hope this helps!

    Extra thanks goes out to Imchasinyou for testing these scripts with me.


    Edit-- I forgot to mention one very important thing! You need to add -

    Script.maxammo=200 --int "Max Ammo"

    into the FPSgun.lua

    • Upvote 4
  10. Ok, just looked over your script and it looks like you just need to change -








    Capitalization can change everything!


    edit-- Also you will need



    Script.crouchedheight=.9 --float "Crouch Height"


    at the top of your script for crouching.

  11. No Problem, I am glad to help!

    lines 592-595 appears to be for setting the crouch button so-

    -- Check for crouching

    if window:KeyHit(Key.ControlKey) then

    self.crouched = not self.crouched



    could be made into

    -- Check for crouching

    if window:KeyHit(Key.C) then

    self.crouched = not self.crouched





    Yep, that is where you can change the Key that activates/deactivates Crouching. Thanks for pointing that out I am sure others will find that useful.


    Then it appears as if lines 597 - 618 are the crouch function.?


    Lines 605-610 are the lines that actually make the camera move to your crouch height and I also changed line 599 from -

    self.entity:SetInput(self.camRotation.y, playerMovement.z, playerMovement.x, jump , false, 1.0, 0.5, true)

    to -

    self.entity:SetInput(self.camRotation.y, playerMovement.z, playerMovement.x, jump , self.crouched, 1.0, 0.5, true)


    to activate the Character Controllers crouching function.

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