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  1. Josh's post in Interface GetWindow() return no window was marked as the answer   
    Interfaces that are used in 3D graphics do not have a window to return, since they were not created on any window.
  2. Josh's post in Cascaded shadow map artifact was marked as the answer   
    The core problem of this issue is now solved and will be included in an upcoming update.
    I never did get the nonuniform feature working. I am not sure if it even works, and I am not sure if it has a negative impact on performance, and I just don't care,
  3. Josh's post in Map save/reload stream lua function problem was marked as the answer   
    Yeah, it should work if you use CreateBufferStream to create a stream. This command does not require a buffer as an argument, and it is better not to provide one.
    Then, before saving or loading call stream:Seek(0) to make sure the file position is at the beginning of the file.
  4. Josh's post in Timer callback keeps shared_ptr<Object> extra even when timer was destroyed. SlidingDoor example was marked as the answer   
    I am changing it so that event listeners store a weak pointer to an extra object and automatically self-delete if an extra object is defined but gets deleted elsewhere.
  5. Josh's post in Instance count is wrong? was marked as the answer   
    Try calling camera->SetDepthPrepass(false) and don't use any lights.
  6. Josh's post in Crash (Assert failed) on just selecting / unselecting Primitives was marked as the answer   
    Fixed, an update will be available later today.
  7. Josh's post in Unknown renderer error was marked as the answer   
    I believe this issues is solved. Please let me know if that is not the case.
  8. Josh's post in App is not responding sometimes after world:Update() was marked as the answer   
    Okay, this was simply caused by the animation send state sort of getting out of sync when different worlds are used. Once I figured out what it was it was an easy fix.
    I think @Dreikblack deserves a big round of applause.

  9. Josh's post in GLTF not loading custom vertex shader was marked as the answer   
    The shader family needs a separate set of options for when alpha masking is active. Does this solve your problem?
    { "shaderfamily": { "root":"Shaders/PBR.fam", "static": { "float": { "opaque": { "default": { "base": { "vertex":"Foliage/PineTree/Leaves.vert.spv" }, "depthPass": { } } }, "mask": { "default": { "base": { "vertex":"Foliage/PineTree/Leaves.vert.spv" }, "depthPass": { } } } } } } }  
  10. Josh's post in Copy and paste in editor does not copy entity components was marked as the answer   
  11. Josh's post in Adding a Material to a sprite doesn't do anything. was marked as the answer   
  12. Josh's post in Editor saves incorrect pathes for brush textures after editing faces was marked as the answer   
    Here it is with a small fix. I will have an update out soon for you:
    "materials": [ { "displacement": [ 0.05000000074505806, -0.02500000037252903 ], "metallic": 0.0, "pickmode": true, "roughness": 1.0, "shadow": true, "texture0": "Materials/Developer/trigger.dds" } ],  
  13. Josh's post in NavMesh wont work correct if player starts not with pos 0,0,0 was marked as the answer   
    This is what you need at the bottom of MouseMovementController::Start:
    ///Create a new NavAgent for the player character this->agent = CreateNavAgent(this->nav_mesh); this->agent->SetPosition(entity->GetPosition(true)); entity->SetPosition(0, 0, 0); entity->SetRotation(0, 0, 0); entity->Attach(agent); The player's position and rotation are retained as the local offset and rotation when it is attached to the navagent. This allows you to set an offset, or reverse the orientation of the player. However, as we have seen, this can be confusing and cause unintended consequences, so maybe the command should include an optional offset position and rotation instead.
  14. Josh's post in GLTF Material names can't be changed was marked as the answer   
  15. Josh's post in Pick Mode doesn't save upon saving/closing a model was marked as the answer   
  16. Josh's post in Saving Model Creates PNG Images was marked as the answer   
    Yes, that is correct.  glTF file require PNG or JPEG images. DDS is supported as an extension, but to remain compatible with other loads a copy of the image is included in PNG format:
    One of the goals of Ultra is to make sure all your models can always be loaded back into your modeling program and edited. Models are never locked / destroyed / finalized. When your game is distributed you will probably just want to not include the PNG files.

  17. Josh's post in Material Editor not displaying textures was marked as the answer   
    Texture slots need to be defined in the shader family file:
    { "shaderfamily": { "textures": [ "Diffuse", "Normal", "Metal/Rough", "Displacement", "Emission", "Occlusion" ], "root":"Shaders/PBR.fam", "static": { "float": { "opaque": { "default": { "base": { }, "depthPass": { } } } } } } } I took a look at maybe inheriting the texture slots from the root file, but that would overwrite any texture slots in the derived file, and I think the current behavior is best.
  18. Josh's post in Directory Wrong in Asset Editor's Browse for Material was marked as the answer   
  19. Josh's post in Browsing for Material copies rather than references? was marked as the answer   
    As discussed, glTF files use embedded materials and this was the intended behavior. I have also agreed to add a feature that allows materials to be externally referenced but currently this is not a bug.
  20. Josh's post in Problemm with colliders was marked as the answer   
    I found the error and fixed it. This was caused because I recently made a change that allowed better-defined geometry in mesh colliders, like mixing quads and triangles (or any polygons). This can prevent objects from getting caught on invisible edges on the seam between two triangles, for example.
  21. Josh's post in LoadMap bug when shared_ptr in entitys are set as variables was marked as the answer   
    I have made the required change to the Joint class and it will be included in the next update. The other issues were reportedly caused by circular reference in user-created components, so I will close this issue now.
  22. Josh's post in Materials force generate on model save. was marked as the answer   
    I am a little bit worried this might cause problems, but I made this change and we'll see how it goes.
  23. Josh's post in Wireframe shows on material preview sphere was marked as the answer   
    Fixed. (It's the sphere's collider that you are seeing.) 
  24. Josh's post in Flipped Colors with previewed cubemap textures. was marked as the answer   
    Fixed for next build.
  25. Josh's post in Env var issue was marked as the answer   
    Okay, I also called SetEnvironmentVariableW and that passed the var to the child process.
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