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  1. Josh's post in Wrong transparent order was marked as the answer   
    Your images are broken links.
    There was a problem with the depth mask shader not working. I have fixed it.
  2. Josh's post in Unique Sound Count was marked as the answer   
    I suspect the 28th step is triggering a garbage collection step...
  3. Josh's post in Terrain-Editing (no indicator) was marked as the answer   
    Fixed, shader update required.
  4. Josh's post in Some thumbnails not rendering was marked as the answer   
    I believe this is fixed now.
  5. Josh's post in String commands was marked as the answer   
    The Ultra string classes are not exposed in Lua. Ultra uses wide strings, which do not work well with Lua strings. However, all command interfaces between C++ and Lua that pass strings convert UTF8 (Lua) to wide strings (C++) and back.
    I have added the string methods as functions that can be used like this:
    s = "test"
    s = Right(s, 1)
    s = Trim(s)
    I also added Len(s), which is like Ultra's GetSize() method for the string class.
    This will be available in the next build.
  6. Josh's post in Entity::Pivot was marked as the answer   
    Fixed for next build, tested in editor console.
  7. Josh's post in Recurso ausente no box was marked as the answer   
    Sun properties have been moved into a new dialog, available with the Edit > World Settings menu.
  8. Josh's post in aabb:IntersectsPoint was marked as the answer   
    The error is on IntersectsPoint. I am testing it in the editor console.
    Ah, I see. There is an extra padding argument you must supply:
    aabb:IntersectsPoint(Vec3(0), 0)
    I will add an overload so this is not required.
  9. Josh's post in Editor Notes from Workshop March 30th, 2024 was marked as the answer   
    All fixed.
  10. Josh's post in MDL Thumbnails not rendered was marked as the answer   
    The new MDL format is not yet a supported feature.
  11. Josh's post in Multiple Vertices for UV Coords was marked as the answer   
    This is correct. This is a common behavior in almost all game model formats. You are doing it correctly.
    The second UV set is available in the .zw coordinates of the texcoord value.
  12. Josh's post in CreateBallAndSocketJoint was marked as the answer   
    There is a typo in my declaration of this function. You can work around this temporarily by supplying a second Vec3 to the function arguments like this:
    local joint = CreateBallAndSocketJoint(parent.position, Vec3(0), parent, child)  
  13. Josh's post in 'Fails' in log. was marked as the answer   
  14. Josh's post in Asset Reloading Multiple Times was marked as the answer   
    It may be possible to improve this in the future but I am wary of trying to mask this behavior, since it might lead to other problems. For now I am going to consider this "not a bug".
  15. Josh's post in Shadows show wrong LODs was marked as the answer   
    I think this is the same thing:
  16. Josh's post in Shadows Popping was marked as the answer   
    Directional lights will now use the camera for the LOD distance.
  17. Josh's post in is Ultra Engine Vulkan, only? was marked as the answer   
    Version 0.9.5 uses OpenGL 4.6. It is available on the beta branch. If you switch to using it, you must update your project to get the new shaders.
  18. Josh's post in Outline shader bugs was marked as the answer   
    It works now. I believe this is fixed. I don't understand what is supposed to happen in the code you posted, so please let me know if anything is not right.
  19. Josh's post in Shader Line Width was marked as the answer   
  20. Josh's post in Failed to link shadow shader was marked as the answer   
    Fix is available on standalone build now.
  21. Josh's post in Resizing BC7 dds pixmap makes a pic invisible/full transparent was marked as the answer   
    I added some code that automatically decompresses the pixmap to another format, resizes it, and compresses it again.
  22. Josh's post in SetPostEffectParameter not working was marked as the answer   
    This will be fixed in the next build. The command is now called Camera::SetUniform, and it accepts the following values:
    int, ivec2, ivec3, ivec4, float, vec2, vec2, vec4, texture
    Textures will be passed as a uvec2 bindless handle. The texture will be kept in memory while it is used by a camera.
  23. Josh's post in Material not loading shader family? was marked as the answer   
    The PBR shader family gets loaded by default when a new material is created, and when the world is initialize (because it is used as the default shader family for the default material, when no material exists).
  24. Josh's post in zip loading broke in last update was marked as the answer   
    Update is available now which I believe fixes this. I tested on the standalone.
  25. Josh's post in Enabling SSR disables posteffects and skybox was marked as the answer   
    Okay, I believe this will be fixed when a new build goes up...
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