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Everything posted by Josh

  1. I'll have an update out soon...
  2. Josh

    Editor Progress

    Here's another varioation:
  3. Josh

    Editor Progress

    And here is a mockup that rearranges the bar a little bit
  4. Josh

    Editor Progress

    Here's one that's even darker:
  5. Josh

    Editor Progress

    Adjusted the icons to more closely resemble what selected objects actually look like in Ultra. It made no sense to use red for this. Also found that using a darker background for the left-side object bar makes the icons "pop" a lot more.
  6. Josh

    Editor progress

    Showing splash screen....
  7. I want to focus on the editor first because any changes I make to the GUI system could affect this issue, rather than the reverse.
  8. Josh

    Editor progress

    Yeah, I was planning on that.
  9. Josh

    Editor progress

    Menu hotkeys and new three-viewport layout shown.
  10. Josh

    Editor progress

    Viewport navigation is done, viewport grids are done, more icons replaced in edit bar. Again testing with content from Cyclone game.
  11. I can try it and see what happens!
  12. I don't know if my downsampling idea is even a good one. It doesn't look like the shader itself is the bottleneck.
  13. I think it will be necessary to get a 1.0 release out, see all the ramifications of how the flowgraph works with the new component system, and then take that knowledge and design something more advanced for a future release. I think I will just focus on delivering the same functionality Leadwerks had, plus zooming. Otherwise I am likely to design something, and then remove and redesign it in another update.
  14. Josh

    Editor progress

    Viewport grids and popup menus now working...
  15. Josh

    Editor progress

    Using a new style for the top four icons in the left-side edit bar that don't distract so much from the main content. Brushes are using a wireframe mesh that only shows brush edges, not full triangulated surfaces. Testing with a map from Cyclone.
  16. In Inkscape Path > Stroke to Path does it
  17. Our SVG loader does not support lines a.k.a. "stroke", it only supports polygons. Is there some way to convert a stroked shape into a polygon? edit-face.zip
  18. I have not gone through and tested every Lua command, but most of it is working now. Debugging Lua in VSCode is very good. I plan to use the ChatGPT API to auto-generate Lua documentation from the C++ docs, and then go through and make fixes by hand. My initial tests at this gave very good results.
  19. I don't like tabs for two reasons: You can't see the two areas of content at once. With the flowgraph, being able to see the selected objects in the 3D viewport and see how that correlates to the nodes in the graph is very helpful. It sacrifices a lot of screen space for something that is rarely used.
  20. I'm going to experiment with placing the logic view in a viewport, so to get to it you just switch the viewport's view to "logic". Then it will appear in the editor main window alongside the 3D view, and you can switch it to a single viewport and back when you need more space.
  21. How did you make the settings UI?
  22. Meshes are shared across different instances of the same model, so if a material is applied to a mesh, it appears on all instances. You can load a model with the unmanaged flag to load a new copy of it, or use Entity::Copy() to make a unique copy.
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