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Exterior night lighting




These are placement tests for the Apache model in the editor, getting a feel for colour, levels, position, range and angle. The left nav light (red) on the Apache model needs to have the fullbright material applied to be visible in dark conditions. One pilot was telling me that the ground on the left side on the helicopter appears brighter than the right with night vision. Interestingly our night vision shader amplifies lighting levels based on final pixel colour and gives a boost to red values so you should also experience the same effect.




Same again but with the nav strobe blinking, ever so short flash that should be visible 2km away in game terms. It uses a corona and not a real light source for performance reasons. It's highly visible and does it's job. Although it will probably flare-out or clip in NV mode. I experimented adding two point lights in the cockpit area, these lights currently exist in the internal cockpit mode but I'll see about adding them to the external model if it can be easily done. On the whole, performance would be better just baking that light onto the texture but the exterior cockpit is really simple, the canopy doesn't cast shadows and the light range is short.



Final shot is the retractable spot-light, which we were going to model, maybe we did already but can't remember...(check notes). It's supposed to be steerable and there's a toggle switch for it somewhere. I think using a 3D cone mesh to add a bit of fake 'haze' around it might be an idea.



I shall get these coded up into the game model now. Pretty pleased with the overall layout.







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Looks good Flexman. Maybe you can add some more models with emmissive textures? I am thinking of small red lights across the tail. But I guess you would have added that yourself already if an Apache would have that.

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I would have had this working already, but in LUA SetColor() doesn't seem to work. All the lights created are white?


There are light strips on the tail, wings and other parts that offer a dim green glow. I'm supposed to use the FULL_BRIGHT shader and a glow map for those.

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Aye Mack.


Although, a funny thing. I edited the script in the 2.40 editor just to get on with it. And while it doesn't work in the 2.31 editor, it works in game compiled with 2.31


So I'm left a bit, "blah". I can't find the word so the sound will have to do.


"blah", there it is again. As much as I want to upgrade then engine for the project it still has issues with my game I don't currently have time to work on. Got a demo for a public show to do this Saturday and it's not going to have many features ready in time.

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No, I completely understand. Especially at your stage of development, upgrading the project is a daunting task since moving up from 2.31 will require you to have to reserialize all of your physics bodies. Its little things like this in the versions that can drive people crazy, and having to upgrade is not truly an option. That is why I have been trying to find as many bugs as possible lately and post anything that remotely looks like a bug. Once 3.0 goes into full scale production, getting previous issues resolved may be an impossibility.

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