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My little precompiler is going well. It creates makefiles and can split a build up across multiple files. I am working out the interface with external libraries. Here's an example program:

Print "Hello World!"

And here's the code it outputs and compiles:

#include "Hello World.h"

using namespace codewerks;

// Main Loop
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
Print(std::string("Hello World!"));


I'm confident this will work on both MacOS and Linux. Where things get a little foggier is on the iPhone, and especially on the Android. I'm looking for an Android and an iPhone developer to work with. It would be easiest in the long run if I can account for those platforms from the beginning.



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Good news Josh ;)


Do you think that a beta version will be out before christmas ?

Are you planning to release a PC version only of the engine at lower price than the multi-platform one ?

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I'm curious as to how or why you generate a header file, especially with a parsed string's name.

Other than that, I hope it can save you time, but I also hope the source license will be available in C++.

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