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Bladequest – The First Chapter Conclusion

Phodex Games



Hi guys,

First of all check out the newest episode of DevTalk, showing some progress of the development of Bladequest: Chapter Two!

Bladequest – The First Chapter is available since about one and a half month now and so far and has totally exceeded my expectations with about 2000 downloads in total. It was a very interesting project for me, and I got a lot of positive feedback and you definitely want to see more from Bladequest. I think the foundation is there, to create a really cool game. The First Chapter can be considered as finished now. As far as no major error/bug appears it will not recieve any updates and I will focus on Chapter Two, to be able to deliver much better quality and more content, as seen in The First Chapter.

I recognized that the idea behind Bladequest does not get 100% clear when reading the description, or playing the game. It can easily be misunderstood as an episodic game, were in fact it is not. I definitely plan to work on this in the future and also have a cool idea how to very easily show what I have in mind with Bladequest. I am also very exciting to tell you more about the final game concept, as The First Chapter really just is a sneak peek (like a pre-alpha) of what is to come.

So to be able to leave Bladequest – The First Chapter with a clear conscience, I gave the website some final touches and released Patch 1.5.0, so I can now focus on Chapter Two. The last exciting thing happening with The First Chapter is the upcoming Steam release. I am really looking forward to this and can’t wait to see how it is going.

Thanks for all your support and feedback so far. I am so excited to create Chapter Two you won’t believe it :D, just have to overcome my currently bad health situation :(, to be able to work 24/7 again haha :D.

Markus from Phodex Games!

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You can also use the analytics API to get information from all your players. For example, you can find out what percentage of people are able to get to level 2, find a certain item, or see how long they are playing the game.

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3 hours ago, Josh said:

You can also use the analytics API

I actually implemented this in the first place, but then decided to remove it, because I was not 100% sure if I set it up correctly and had enough other things to do. I will use it for Chapter Two I guess, would be very interesting :). Thanks for the tip anyway.

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