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Version 4.5 release plan




Version 4.5 will feature official support for VR (Vive and Oculus) and a new super realistic vehicle system.  These features are more or less already done, but need some work to make them release-ready.  The new vehicle system is so good, and I am so grateful to Julio for his help making this happen, that I think we might do a racing-themed winter tournament. :D  I am trying to think of a clever pun to call it.

At the same time, I have implemented the first build of version 5 in the same source code, adding Unicode support and using C++11 shared pointers for all objects that were previously created as pointers.  The changes to the source code were extensive, and though I used preprocessor definitions to separate the 4.x and 5 builds, there may be some errors in the engine at this time.

So the next few weeks is going to be a process of testing the engine and documenting the new features.  I plan to have a beta of 4.5 up shortly on Steam.  4.5 will be released before Christmas, along with the first beta of version 5, for people who bought the $5 subscription.  The enterprise version will be updated a couple weeks after the release of 4.5.

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Great to hear, especially about the documentation.  I really hope the docs have a simple C example of the realistic vehicle.  Maybe also worth adding a vehicle template to the project manager.

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