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Update Available [beta]




An update is available on the beta branch which resolves the AMD rendering issues on Windows 10 with 1x MSAA setting enabled:



The following components have changed:

  • Lighting shaders adjusted to handle regular 2D textures (MSAA level 0)
  • Editor updated, for Windows.
  • Lua interpreter and debug interpreter updated, for Windows.


The C++ library has not been updated yet.

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Another thing, 2xMSAA is faster than the lowest setting on FXAA

So if you are going to do AA as fast as possible, I'd do in this order.


1. Nothing = fastest

2. 2 x MSAA = fastest AA doable

3. FXAA, 10-39 setting on FXAA are all faster than 4 x MSAA

4. 2 x MSAA + FXAA, best looking for highest fps.

5. 4,8,16,32 x MSAA looks good but slows down quite fast.

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Not really. I fixed a bug that prevented "Select All" from working with shaders in the script editor. There were some beginnings of environment probes in there, but I removed those code files for the time being. Will have a full update out later today.

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BuildMipmaps() now correctly builds mipmaps for cubemaps as far as I can tell smile.png


This means that I can now on the fly build cubemaps with correct mipmap level in lua!


If this stays in, I can do an update to the substance shader stuff using generated local corrected cubemaps.

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I really hope official env probes get in the next full release. These recent beta updates broke my cubemap system. :(

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