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Project Explorer beta now available for testing




Implementation of the project explorer went really fast. I started it this morning, and I think it's pretty much done now. The project explorer shows up on the left side of the script editor window. It's positioned in an adjustable panel so you can resize and move its position. (Saving the position and orientation has not been implemented yet.) The project explorer shows a tree displaying your "Scripts", "Shaders", and "Source" folder, if you have the Standard Edition. You can double-click on a file to open it in the script editor main panel. The shader stage selector has also been replaced with a combobox tucked neatly below the code panel.




A right-click menu has also been added which lets you perform common operations on files and folders. Most of these commands get relayed to the asset browser class, which is one reason why implementation went to quickly.




Leadwerks also now supports editing C++ code and header files right in the editor. If you've got the Standard Edition you can try this now.




The file display should respond in real-time to folder and file modifications, just like the asset browser does. I'm going to test with Windows first before adding the Linux build. Try it out and let me know what you think, it's available on the beta branch right now.

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I just added settings to save the position and orientation of the explorer panel, so unless anyone finds any problems it's finished.

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Does the auto complete have all the exposed lua functions, or just the ones documented in the API reference? I use a few exposed functions that are not documented.

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The way it works is it scans the header files and grabs all the declarations, so it is exactly like what the header files say. I am not 100% happy with that, but will see how it works.

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