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time to move myself




as i am an hobbyist, i am not under pressure to make anything but roaming around here for a year and always waiting for releases...

makes me uncomfortable towards efforts consented by josh since 2.3 release.

Really a great shot and as i played with the new toys, i understood that a lot of time is necessary for beginners like me before producing a single workflow.

I am not either young nor talented, working for myself alone (without the pressure I've got at my salaried work), but i wanted to help some new users of this great engine.

So i made a (to big ?) video of the workflow i found useful from my 3D application Hexagon to LE editor.

i don't know when it will be ready for posting and how or where to put it but i am still thinking on this, tonight.

Well, this morning i found my video crappy but i will let the shame on me and will publish it.





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I find myself in a similar position to you, full time job, family commitments and so on and the learning curve when trying to put a game together on your own is so great and time consuming. So any thing that helps speed this up, like this video, is always greatly appreciated by people. Well done, I'm sure many will thank you for this.

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I'm in the same position, but honestly I think people in our position that think they can code and make the art are kidding themselves. To get a full game up and running while doing it all would take years and by then it would be outdated and old. The reality is that people like us need to rely on others for either the code or the art needed in our games.


If you're a coder your best bet is to use crappy programmer art but complete your game. Then you can showcase this for artist to see if anyone is interested. Ideally you should just have to plug and play the art assets and your game be complete, but it will be slightly more as you'll have animations to deal with. But at least the programmer knows you are serious about making a game if you have it complete with bad art.


If you're an artist then I think your best bet is to make all the art you think you'll have. Build some levels to show your game idea. Then look for a programmer. Coming from the perspective of a programmer I can tell you that I would jump all over a game if the art assets were 99% finished, because then I know the person is serious about the game and the odds that it'll get complete are good.

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I completely agree with you Rick. My intension is to get my engine to a point where I can demo an hours worth of game play using placeholder art in order to raise interest in the engine. If no interest follows then that's probably as far as I will ever take it as it would need either financial support to purchase the services of professional artists or direct collaboration from Artists/Modellers/Animators to complete it. It is beyond most individuals to complete a sizable modern day game title.

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Thanks for comments, yes you all are right,

however, i never intend to finish "MY" game and sell it ... would be mad thought,

i think as Pixel Perfect, just trying to have a demo level of what i wanted, would satisfy me.


I am too scared (coward ?) to get involved with people who put a lot of hope in a project

that i fail to pursue or finish because my family require attention or help, don't know.

my first goal, generally, is not to give false hope to anyone.


I am a serious guy in my life, my children are on their own now,

i don't need, nor want, to be serious in a game project, i need fun with computers and time to get it, working slowly at my rhythm.


On the other side, if someone really want some help that i could give,

and not be scheduled every monday (because it's monday meeting), in that way, i'd be glad to help.

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As a fellow hexagon user, I found your workflow interesting. I typically just name the material, export as obj, then use uu3d to scale, set the origin, and assign textures. That way I can name the textures whatever I want and its easier for me to get the equivalent LE scale and set the origin in uu3d. This allows me to basically "freehand" my model and not worry about scale or axis while in hexagon. However, your method looks like it works just as well and as as efficient. Appreciate the video. nice work.


And I believe many of us here are in the same boat as far as creating a "playable" game. We have families and jobs that take precedent over this. And alot of us do not even program or do "art" for a living. I don't think you have to have a playable demo to actually contribute to this community.

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Thanks Maklebee for your comment.

actually i am not a big fan of UU3D, we are not good friends,

so recently i intended to make the video with it,

but my models are really little scaled ( 2 or 3 cm) and as i don't figure how to change units in UU3D,

i gave up at last because it gives me an error as opening kind of "model less than 1.0 !"

no trouble more but after setting material and saving in "gmf" i found the model "flipped" in LE editor.

Since i didn't try any animated model yet, i don't care about that problems but will digg it, if i must.

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yeah, it took awhile to figure out the texture orientation in hex vs LE... sometimes I still havent figured it out... i just keep flipping textures in hex' export options until i get what i need :rolleyes:


The error that you get in uu3d is not really an error but more of a warning. :)

To get the model to "normal" LE size:

- After loading model into uu3d, click 'Select-->All' to choose the entire model

- Click '3DTools-->Modifiers-->Scene-->Scale' and scale the item as you see fit. One square tile in UU3D is equal to one square meter tile in LE's editor.

- Click '3DTools-->Modifiers-->Scene-->Move' and set the origin for your model, keeping in mind that 0,0,0 in UU3D will be your model's origin/pivot in LE.

- Add material/textures by using the UU3D's material editor's Maps tab and adding a texture to the diffuse map. Doesn't matter if its anything else, because the LE *.mat file determines how it is used.

-Export to gmf keeping in mind if you need to export multiple uv's due to multiple textures, bones, animation... etc...

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