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Leadwerks 3.0 Terrain Update Now Available




A new update to Leadwerks 3.0 is now available. Registered developers can run the Leadwerks updater to download and install the patch. This update adds terrain, bug fixes, and a few small feature enhancements.

Our new terrain system, described in our Kickstarter campaign to bring Leadwerks to the Linux operating system, is based on a unique "dynamic megatextures" approach. This technique renders sections of the terrain into virtual textures and places them around the camera. The terrain presently allows a maximum size of 1024 meters and 16 texture layers, but these constraints can be lifted in the future once it's been thoroughly tested. You can see an example terrain the the "terrain.map" scene included in the example project folder.


With the increased scene geometry terrain brings, I found it necessary to precalculate navmeshes in the editor. To calculate a navmesh for a map, select the Tools > Build NavMesh menu item to being up the Build NavMesh Dialog. The navigation data will be saved directly into your map file for pathfinding. Two values have been exposed to control the navmesh calculation and the appearance of the navmesh has been improved to allow easier visual debugging. Additionally, the new World::BuildNavMesh command lets you calculate navigation meshes in code.

The bug report forum contains info about recently fixed problems. The most notable fix was for character controller physics. Some frame syncing issues were fixed which were causing entities to sometimes pass through walls and floors. This problem was very apparent in the recent game demo GreenFlask,

A new command World::SetPhysicsDetail allows you to balance the speed and accuracy of the physics simulator.

The Transform::Plane command has been enhanced to work with Lua, which had trouble understanding the syntax of the command.



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Not in a position to grab this yet. I appreciate this is an early Terrain implementation. Is it possible to have more than one terrain object currently? And if not, will it be a possibility in the future?

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thx Josh, the 16 Texture layers are really nice. But to work with it i miss 1 or 2 functions:

1. Scaling the terrainheight

2. import from other formats then raw image format

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it crashes when I generate a terrain. Exeption_Acces_violation. how to fix this problem? I'm using windows 7, AMD radeon 7520G

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I have to say I like the landscape editor a lot, and I love how artist-friendly it is.


One thing though: the landscape editor seems to be incompatible with my map that I worked on before the update (it creates an 'exception access violation' error and then closes LW. Should I just re-import all the stuff into a new map for it to work or is there another solution?

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it crashes when I generate a terrain. Exeption_Acces_violation. how to fix this problem? I'm using windows 7, AMD radeon 7520G


Same thing here, and my video card is almost identical as well. I think its because of compatibility issues with older maps, but I could be wrong.

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I had the same issue, had to do a full clean install which i didnt really want to do. Saying that i STILL get 'exception access violation' errors randomly from loading projects to changing from terrain tab to scene tab?


Some bugs to fix i assume.



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Existing projects need to be updated. (See the project manager.) This will add the new terrain shaders to your project.

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Existing projects need to be updated. (See the project manager.) This will add the new terrain shaders to your project.


When I press the update button it goes like: " Failed to copy folder "Models" to project directory. why? where does it need to be copied from?

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so with you having to build the nav-mesh in the editor/code does this remove dynamic navmeshes. Say a bridge breaks, would that update in the navmesh file or in game, or would i have to call "World::buildnavmesh" and if so, how long would this take?

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In the future we will use a combination of static and dynamic navmesh data. For the present, navmeshes are pre-calculated and should be treated as static. Crowd avoidance will still work dynamically, of course, so moving entities will plot routes around one another.

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