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Leadwerks 3 Gets Projected Shadows




We've got a Leadwerks 3 update coming out this week, with miscellaneous fixes and some new features.


The first are the addition of Import and Export buttons in the Project Manager. You can export an entire project to a zip file. You can import a project from either a Leadwerks project file (*.werk) or a zip file. This makes it easy to share projects and synchronize your work across different computers.



The second new feature is projected shadows. These allow characters and other objects to cast dynamic shadows on the scene around them. They run fast, even on mobile devices, and add an extra degree of depth to your scene:



You can expect these updates to become available later this week.

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The idea of the import/export button is very useful. And the projected shadows..... I can´t wait to see them :)

I am looking forward to the end of the week smile.png

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There are some suggestions in forumi hope will take shape :

- new easy Gizmos (rotation, move etc ...) and more easy to select

- select button

etc ...

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You could make a CSG object cast a dynamic shadow, but this isn't for making shadows on the entire game level. It's just for making single objects cast a directional shadow.

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