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(Solved) Problem setting the target within a script


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Hello fellow Leadwerkers,


i have a little problem. I'm trying stuff and i have reached a place where i cannot continue further without help.

Basically i want to do the following:


Create a box,

that box has a script attached named "Damage" that's being run on "Use", so if i press "E" it's fired up,

the "Damage" script shall target the player and do random damage.


I got it all running if i add the target via "Script.target = nil --entity "Target" followed by dragging the "Player" onto that field in the assets tab. But now i'm lazy, i want to use that scrip on several places and i do not want to add the target "Player" every time by hand. So my idea was to look into the "MonsterAI.lua" script how that is solved.


I ended up with smth like this:


import "Scripts/Functions/GetEntityNeighbors.lua"

Script.target = nil --entity "Target"
Script.damage = 0 -- float "Damage"
Script.teamid = 2 --choice "Team" "Neutral,Good,Bad"

function Script:Use()

local entities = GetEntityNeighbors(self.entity,30,true)
local k,entity
for k,entity in pairs(entities) do
if entity.script.teamid == 1 then
if entity.script.health>0 then
local d = self.entity:GetDistance(entity)
local pickinfo=PickInfo()
self.target = entity

System:Print("I'm in the tree use function")
if self.target ~= nil then
if self.damage > 0 then
if self.damage > 5 then
minDmg = self.damage - 4
if self.damage > 2 and self.damage <= 5 then
minDmg = self.damage - 2
minDmg = self.damage
xDamage = math.floor(Math:Random(minDmg, self.damage + 1))


My idea was to set the TeamID for that script to "bad" == 2 (whilst the player is "good" == 1), so it will only run if it has contact with the player. The Problem is, i have no idea how to get the result of "return entity.script" as a valid target to use it in the 2nd half of the script (following the lines after "self.target = entity.script").


I'm basically quite sure that i didn't understand how it works at all, so any help, especially if someone could explain my error, would be appreciated.


Thanks in advance!



Did some slight changes to the original code, so now the "self.target" points to the correct entity, but still i get a "called nil" when trying to access "self.target:Hurt(xDamage)". Even though i was able to see in debugmode that the adress stored in "self.target" is actually the player (and thus the target i want).

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function script Hurt(damage, DistributorOfPain) --> that's actual in the basic "FPSPlayer.lua" script without changing it. I already thought, that the "nil" error might come due to the fact i only fill "damage" in the "Hurt()" function above, but i even tried to set the "DistributorOfPain" to self.target (since i lack another target i could use....) but that doesnt work either. Besides that, the value in "DistributorOfPain" is not used in the FPSPlayer script at all.


function Script:Hurt(damage,distributorOfPain)
if self.health>0 then
self.health = self.health - damage
dmgReceived = damage
self.hurtoffset = Vec3(math.random(-1,1),math.random(-1,1),0):Normalize()*30
local blood = {}
local n=1
if self.bloodindex>4 then self.bloodindex=1 end
if self.health<=0 then


[Edit] Besides, it did work before when i set the Target via drag n drop into the script by hand that way. It's only not working since i tried to get the target automagically.

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So in this code you have the entity not nil ?


local entities = GetEntityNeighbors(self.entity,30,true)

local k,entity

for k,entity in pairs(entities) do

if entity.script.teamid == 1 then

if entity.script.health>0 then

local d = self.entity:GetDistance(entity)

local pickinfo=PickInfo()

self.target = entity






Or could it be some parameter that is the problem ?

Could you call your Hurt function with simple fixed parameters ? like damage = 10 for example ?

I would say make a simple function test also : create another function like test() on Player entity and call it instead of Hurt() and see if the function is called without problem ?

Stop toying and make games

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Oh, no sorry, i explained it wrong. The Code you posted above goes error free, i even get the "self.target" to point to the players entity in memory (i did see that in debug mode)

The error occurs on the last line of code:



"attempt to call method 'Hurt' (a nil value)"


But the variable xDamage is filled with a number (even if i replace it by "5" it's the same error) and if i add (xDamage, self.target) it's still the same error



Tried to make a function Script:Test() --> printing a message to console. I do get the same error, so the problem seems to be the value in self.target .... do i have to convert the memory adress i do get to smth. else maybe?

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But thanks for trying YouGroove smile.png



OMFG it's SO mega easy.... the problem was that i called "self.target:Hurt(xDamage)", but it actually has to be "self.target.script:Hurt(xDamage)".


Didnt see the forest due to all those trees :P well. in case someone else might be interested, i gonna add a few comments to my code and will post it as it works right now in a few hours.

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here's the "streamlined" code with a few comments. Hopefully others may profit from it smile.png Again my thanks to YouGroove for trying to solve my issue, without his comment i wouldn't have tried to access "self.target.script:Hurt" smile.png

-- give access to code in "GetEntityNeighbors.lua"
import "Scripts/Functions/GetEntityNeighbors.lua"

Script.target = nil --entity "Target"
Script.damage = 0 -- float "Damage"
Script.teamid = 2 --choice "Team" "Neutral,Good,Bad"

function Script:Use()

   -- load entities within range (30) of self.entity into "entities", only load entities that have scripts attached
   local entities = GetEntityNeighbors(self.entity,30,true)
   local k,entity
   -- loop thrrough the result of "entities". k = key, entity = result
   for k,entity in pairs(entities) do
       -- only select entities with teamid == 1 ("good")
       if entity.script.teamid == 1 then
           -- and if the entity has at least 1 health remaining
           if entity.script.health>0 then
               local d = self.entity:GetDistance(entity)
               -- set self.target = resulting entity
               self.target = entity

   -- prepare random function
   if self.target ~= nil then
       -- randomize the damage dealt a bit, setting the "min damage" value
       if self.damage > 0 then    
           if self.damage > 5 then
               minDmg = self.damage - 4
               if self.damage > 2 and self.damage <= 5 then
                   minDmg = self.damage - 2
                   minDmg = self.damage
           -- actual code randomizing the damage. Damage is dealt between "minDmg" and "self.damage" (the value is set in the assets browser)
           xDamage = math.floor(Math:Random(minDmg, self.damage + 1))
           -- fire function "Hurt" at self.target --> thus the player or entite that was found before.
           self.target.script:Hurt(xDamage, self.target)


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