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Shader extension not supported


Go to solution Solved by SpiderPig,

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Hi, I try to program a shader but for my use case I need a time value.
For this I tried to use the extension

#extension GL_EXT_shader_realtime_clock : enable // NOT ALLOWED

which is not allowed in the current setup.
I dont know much about Vulcan or shaders, but could this be shipped with the next update ? That would make things a lot easier as I also try to make an animated (sprite) material which is not possible without a time value.

On the other hand , i tried passing it trough c++ directly using a uniform variable

uniform float u_Time;

which would lead to the following error.

 'non-opaque uniforms outside a block' : not allowed when using GLSL for Vulkan

Looking forward for a solution, as I said I am not experienced in shaders so maybe there already is.

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#version 450
#extension GL_GOOGLE_include_directive : enable
#extension GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects : enable
//#extension GL_EXT_shader_realtime_clock : enable // NOT ALLOWED
#include "../Base/Fragment.glsl"
#include "../Base/UniformBlocks.glsl"
#define PI 3.14159

float vDrop(vec2 uv,float t)
    uv.x = uv.x*128.0;						// H-Count
    float dx = fract(uv.x);
    uv.x = floor(uv.x);
    uv.y *= 0.05;							// stretch
    float o=sin(uv.x*215.4);				// offset
    float s=cos(uv.x*33.1)*.3 +.7;			// speed
    float trail = mix(95.0,35.0,s);			// trail length
    float yv = fract(uv.y + t*s + o) * trail;
    yv = 1.0/yv;
    yv = smoothstep(0.0,1.0,yv*yv);
    yv = sin(yv*PI)*(s*5.0);
    float d2 = sin(dx*PI);
    return yv*(d2*d2);

void main()
    //vec2 p = (vertexWorldPosition.xz - 0.5 * (vertexWorldPosition.xz+500.0)) / (vertexWorldPosition.xz-250.0);
vec2 p = (vertexWorldPosition.xz);
float d = length(p)+0.1;
	p = vec2(atan(p.x, p.y) / PI, 2.5 / d);
    float t =  CurrentTime*0.004;
    vec3 col = vec3(1.55,0.65,.225) * vDrop(p,t);	// red
    col += vec3(0.55,0.75,1.225) * vDrop(p,t+0.33);	// blue
    col += vec3(0.45,1.15,0.425) * vDrop(p,t+0.66);	// green
    outColor[0] = vec4(col*(d*d), 1.0);

    //Material material = materials[materialID];
    //outColor[0] = material.diffuseColor * color;
    //int textureID = GetMaterialTextureHandle(material, TEXTURE_DIFFUSE);    
    //if (textureID != -1) outColor[0] *= texture(texture2DSampler[textureID], texcoords.xy);

    //Camera distance fog
    //if ((entityflags & ENTITYFLAGS_NOFOG) == 0) ApplyDistanceFog(outColor[0].rgb, vertexWorldPosition.xyz, CameraPosition);
    //if ((RenderFlags & RENDERFLAGS_TRANSPARENCY) != 0)
    //    outColor[0].rgb *= outColor[0].a;
    //    //outColor[0].a = 1.0f;

Hyperdrive shader based on Drop Tunnel by Del


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