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Player movement with forward and strafe same time (45 angle?)


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I'm struggling to get movement when both forward key and right or left key (strafe) is pressed at same time, one either overrides the forward and do not work together to move forwards while strafing. Be n ice to have model or a animation play as if its moving at the angle too.


How do I get such results if my code for movement is the following system?


Many Thanks

--Set key button varibles
	local move = 0
	local strafe = 0
	local keyHit_forward = false
	local keyHit_backward = false
	local keyHit_left = false
	local keyHit_right = false

	--Player Movement
	if window:KeyDown(Key.W) then keyHit_forward = true end
	if window:KeyDown(Key.S) then keyHit_backward = true end
	if window:KeyDown(Key.A) then keyHit_left = true end
	if window:KeyDown(Key.D) then keyHit_right = true end

	--Reset player to IDLE STATE
	if move == 0 or strafe == 0 then
		player.state = 1

	--Key Actions
	if keyHit_forward then
		move = -self.walkSpeed
		player.state = 2

	if keyHit_backward then
		move = self.walkSpeed - 0.5
		player.state = 3

	if keyHit_left then
		strafe = self.walkSpeed + 2
		player.state = 4

	if keyHit_right then
		strafe = - (self.walkSpeed + 2)
		player.state = 5


Dream since child of making games! From Game Programming Starter Kit 3.0, Blitz Basic, Map Creation since Duke 3D, Game Maker, Blitz3D (of recent..2023) and many other engines and years..... never really sticking to it with inner struggles that I've had to fight along with pushing to learn and acheive.

40 years old.. came across Leadwerks on Steam... Learning slowly but surely and loving it!

Learn with me or just watch me fail! at my random Youtube Channel, as I stream adhoc while learning and using LeadWerks and other game creating tools.


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I hope this gives you an idea.



	-- Constructor.
	Create = function(self,player,camera)
		local this={}
		self.__index = self

			function this:Init()
				self.camera = camera
				self.player = player
				self.vel    = 0
				self.angle = 0

			function this:Update(startEngine)
				self.vel = 0
				if startEngine == false then 


					if win:GetKeyDown(Key.Shift) == false then 
						if 	win:GetKeyDown(Key.W) then 
							self.vel = -1.2
							self.angle = self.camera:GetRotation(true).y  - 180
						elseif win:GetKeyDown(Key.S) then 
							self.vel = -1.2
							self.angle = self.camera:GetRotation(true).y 
						if 	win:GetKeyDown(Key.W) then 
							self.vel = -3.0
							self.angle = self.camera:GetRotation(true).y  - 180
						elseif win:GetKeyDown(Key.S) then 
							self.vel = -3.0
							self.angle = self.camera:GetRotation(true).y 

					self.rotCamera = self.camera:GetRotation(true).y
					self.player:SetInput(self.angle, self.vel, 0, 0,false)










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How odd, the command win:GetKeyDown...

I used that and get errors, it does not reference win or GetKeyDown in the documentation either..


Where does that come from?

Dream since child of making games! From Game Programming Starter Kit 3.0, Blitz Basic, Map Creation since Duke 3D, Game Maker, Blitz3D (of recent..2023) and many other engines and years..... never really sticking to it with inner struggles that I've had to fight along with pushing to learn and acheive.

40 years old.. came across Leadwerks on Steam... Learning slowly but surely and loving it!

Learn with me or just watch me fail! at my random Youtube Channel, as I stream adhoc while learning and using LeadWerks and other game creating tools.


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I done a quick stream, as I struggle to put in words what I'm trying to do.


Hopefully makes sense?



Dream since child of making games! From Game Programming Starter Kit 3.0, Blitz Basic, Map Creation since Duke 3D, Game Maker, Blitz3D (of recent..2023) and many other engines and years..... never really sticking to it with inner struggles that I've had to fight along with pushing to learn and acheive.

40 years old.. came across Leadwerks on Steam... Learning slowly but surely and loving it!

Learn with me or just watch me fail! at my random Youtube Channel, as I stream adhoc while learning and using LeadWerks and other game creating tools.


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5 hours ago, WazMeister said:

How odd, the command win:GetKeyDown...

I used that and get errors, it does not reference win or GetKeyDown in the documentation either..

Where does that come from?


It is my coding, lua script is not oriented to the object programming paradigm (Poo), however it can be used without any problem to organize the code. Ç

In other words win is a custom object, and instead of using KeyDown, the identifier encapsulates this with a GetKeyDown. But internally it is KeyHit, the most readable would be to call it Input.





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