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Posts posted by paramecij

  1. hm,I would try one of these:

    - check entities material

    - MeshName() (haven't used this one before, but i guess you would have to name your vegetation meshes properly before converting to gmf)

    - ModelName()

    - GetEntityKey() (and add keys to all vegetation models before hand, by arbuz exporter, code, or some other means)


    just some quick ideas from the top of my head, maybe somebody knows a better more direct way

  2. It sounds about right (for the amount of force part).. but you also need to consider direction when adding force to body.. use a normalized vector to specify direction and then multiply it with the force scalar... but don't be surprised if it doesn't look right, game physics often don't look good if based on real world values

  3. Any new updates on this? I've noticed a new release has come out, did much change, or is the API pretty much complete and stable?


    My trial has expired, but unfortunately it didn't give me what I really wanted to see, namely how it perform inside a game, and a look at their API or at least some more detailed integration info. I don't expect it to be such a pleasure to work with as LE is, but I'd still like to get an idea before I purchase it. Out of all the gamedev middleware I have seen, this one I think brings the most to a indie dev (if it works as advertised in practice).

  4. The detail is even better in the originals. I have bump and spec maps for some of them already, while I'll make the rest if I decide to release or use them in my projects.. but I still haven't found a good method to make normal maps for grass textures, while rocks l found like pretty much any normal map you can generate for them ;)



    I've made all of them in as high a resolution I could, as I optimize my game textures on a per project basis anyway, so it makes sense for me to keep the originals in a high resolution lossless format, I can use them in future cg/video game projects or if I end up selling them... I thought about starting my own free texture site (sponsored by donations) but there's already too many off them and I have too many other project right now to manage it. Also thought about joining/contributing to one of said sites but have't found one i'd really like...


    So an ideal solution for me I think would be if I could just ftp them somewhere as I make or update them, they'd be free to use in non commercial work, but there'd be an appreciation package one could buy for like 5$, 10$ or 20$ and get an thankyou.pdf if he got enough stuff and felt like it's worth something to him. But for commercial work you could buy an affordable license and do your own derivative work and sell it if you wished (some sites don't allow this, you can't take base human mesh and make a fully realized game character and sell it).. It's not that I want money, but I could really do with a new lens for my camera (all I have is a standard fixed 50mm and wide-angle 10-20mm lens for 3 years now) or maybe LE source ;)

  5. So I needed some textures and I set out to make them as I enjoy making textures (some like fishing, I like making textures) .. but I may have gone overboard and now I have a TON of them... (it was a stressful period ;) ...


    Here's a small collection of my different types of textures, if you'd be kind enough to check them out and tel me what you think. (they are downsized - originals are mostly 2048x2048 or larger PNG/TGA files)


    Here are a couple of ground textures (you can use these if you like them)






    from my vegetation collection, (i have more than 200 like these - with masks):




    tree bark and wood rings sample (also have lots of these)




    I also have a LARGE collection of stuff like metal, wood, concrete, asphalt, doors, facades, manholes, vents, etc..




    .. as I said I have hundreds of high res textures like these ones , but i'm not sure what to do with them.. are they even any good?



  6. I think most people here use 1 unit = 1 meter .. it's not hardcoded anywhere (but you'd want to change the default cull and lod ranges) so you could scale everything else to dexsoft scale I think.. but since i'm from europe I've never used anything other than meters so this scale seems natural to me :)

  7. As I said, It has been done before (search the forums), and even LE uses this method for it's terrain texturing.. but writing a shader is not that hard.. you can paint mesh vertices with colors to control blending, each channel of this vertex color being used as a 0-255 alpha value, or you can paint a texture with this information and map this whole texture onto your mesh via a second UV channel or by manualy calculating uvs (easy if you have a grid like mesh) .. you can use one texture as base that tiles over the whole mesh, then you can use RGBA channels to blend 4 additional textures on top of the base one - a total of 5 different terrain types.. since you can have a map with tunnels and such (i think), mapping a single texture onto the mesh may not be trivial so I suggest using vertex colors on your mesh.. arbitrary number of terrain types is not impossible, you don't really blend between more than 3 types (usually just 2) at one time.. so you could break the mesh up into multiple zones that uses different texture sets ... or you could again use texture atlases, using R and G channels to specify textue1 and texture2 IDs, B channel to control the blending, this way you could have arbitrary number of 'textures' (well one or two really, but you could use morre terrain types to blend with)

  8. Sure there's a more modern approach, I think Aily created and posted something on the forum you should check out.. what is best depends on what you want..


    Maybe I'm way off here, but when you said small isometric rpg with map made from cubes, I was thinking maps looking along the lines of this (quick google search):



    and suggested to build a texture like this:


    (notice how the transition between sand and pebble is made (tile 14), you just draw a simple mask around a layer - which you can reuse on other types and have all transitions done in minutes)


    ..since you have a way of generating/placing cubes (an editor?), and you may already have some type or material or some other property you could set a tile ID to them, then when you generate your mesh it would be trivial to calculate uvs from the cubes ground type.. not much to implement really, and manual painting will took less time then debugging any other solution :) .. but the real benefit is that you would have your terrain rendered in one draw call using just one texture, with traditional terrain splatting method you'd have 5 types (..yeah you can do more but it's not as elegant)


    ..I can get more in depth with the method like in the article you linked to.. it would help if I could see how you imagined your levels to look like

  9. I think the easiest way would be to make a texture atlas (big texture that contains smaller textures), and when you generate your mesh, just assign appropriate uv's to each quad (1quad = 1 cell from the texture atlas) .. let's say you make your big texture 2048x2048 and use 256x256 for ground texture tiles, this allows for 64 different textures, enough resolution for isometric view i think and enough room for you to make all the additional transition tiles you need.. and it's good for performance also :)

  10. The goal would be to write first and foremost a tech demo to show off engine features and for performance testing, and later to serve as an example implementation of different engine features (code samples) .. Josh and others made some videos to show off LE2, and they probably will too for LE3, Josh (and others) also made a lot of tutorials showing how to do different things in the engine, they also answered a ton of forums posts on how to do things over and over again, and Metatron made his gamelib... all of this required some assets, code and a lot of time to make/write.. there's some duplicated effort as a result of everyone working on their own. So if everyone willing is planning to do this again for LE3, all i'm saying is, there's a better more optimized way to do this if we work together on the same framework and share the same asset pool..


    Let's say we start small (LEBuilder style) and set-up a small application framework and person A is in charge of maintaining it, every other person uses the same framework and adheres to same rules, for example every person uses the same class scene and has to implement sceme::load() scene::start() scene::unload() so person A can easily integrate it to the demo app ...

    - person B joins in and writes a basic physics example using only primitives

    - person C joins in and donates some of his already made assets ( soldier, test level )

    - person D joins in and writes a character controller example using the assets available


    depending on how things turn out, we could then think about doing a simple game or whatever (again, with already available assets), the idea is to save on time while giving out more to the community.. I have a lot of stuff i'm willing to put to a good use..


    You couldn't do all too much in the evaluation kit anyway, with this you'd get right to evaluating the engine instead of trying to figure out the editor and write some scripts.. and for the developers (they get the source) it would be a good starting point or a reference in the future (like some of the tutorials and docs are now)..

  11. You can make islands regardless (you start from the bottom of the sea ;) .. but sure, just flatten the terrain at some middle height, then you can lower and raise it .. you can also fill your heightmap file with some solid gray color in gimp or photoshop

  12. If you are using arbuz 3dmax exporter, you have to be careful with export material id's option.. this can lead to unnecessary surfaces (check the manual) as Josh pointed out

  13. I'm afraid the newton vehicle controller won't be up to the task if you're aiming for a real realistic driving simulator. You can however implement your own vehicle controller using newton or your own or 3rd party physics. You'd have to do this in any other engine anyway (except if there's an engine out there aimed at driving simulators). But you can get decent driving using the provided controller if you fine tune some parameters around and don't care for full realism. Regarding deforming, not out of the box, but you could easily cheat this a little in different ways... I think you wont go wrong if you decide for LE, even if you had cryengine you'd probably want to write your own driving model as theirs is pretty arcade like. It's easy to make a racing game in LE but to make a realistic simulator in LE is as hard as in every other engine - only LE has unmatched ease of use (for me at least) ... I've made a small app play around with different vehicle controllers and fine tune them, if you decide for this engine I can give you the source to help you get started.. (it's in C though)

  14. It would be good to have a official LE3 tech demo, a collection of scenes or maybe a simple game to show off all the engine features and let users evaluate performance at the same time. This could be a community made thing (and let Josh do what he does best), but it must be officially supported. It would also be good if it was open source (to developers), in that way it can serve as a good reference on how to do different things, an invaluable help at learning and even later.. VeTaL already expressed the need for more art and coding guides, this could be something like that!


    If we set things up right and worked closely together it could drastically help Josh bug solve the engine, at all stages,.. early on we'be beta and stress testing for him, later on users would have a working reference to check if it's not a problem with their code, model, material... there's even more reasons why we should do this, but it's a thing we all can profit from ..


    There's some talented people here, ..and i'd be interested in a collaboration like this, if there is enough interest (Metatron is already doing something in the way of this with his gamelib, and others too with support tools and assets).. what do you think? ..Josh?

  15. since you got fragmotion already, which reads animated .x files just fine, from there you can export to .smd (half life) format and use an older user made converter found somewhere here on the site, there are also scripts/plugins for major 3d packages (3dmax, blender..), and tools like milkshape, uu3d, fragmotion already have good support for .smd .. I've had less trouble with unreal and halflife formats then with fbx as an exchange format for animated game models, but uu3d is good investment (it's like fragmotion with every 3d format imaginable, and more tools)

  16. I think for starters you should do some passive fauna - like birds, rabbits, rats, cats, etc. .. I think there's a shortage of these, and it would be interesting for a more broader user base than medieval or sci-fi themes. I think it's better to start small and iron out the dev process first then to start with the main hero type projects right away. Plus I think that main hero chars aren't worth the trouble making - everyone has their own vision on how their main protagonist will look and animate like, so I think it's better if you work on 'supporting cast' characters or monsters, and do main chars upon request.. And I second Rick's comments on bones, sure It can work fine if you just parent the helmet on head, gun on right hand, ..but what if you char has no right or hands at all? It's more flexible this way and I find it's easier to ignore/remove than to add a bone if need be.. also since you're thinking modular, swapping things and such, I hope this also includes animation, so they could at least be shared across different characters, or used on previous chars if you make new/different ones.. I know it's impossible to try and do every animation people would need in their games, so I think a way to easily extend the animation set of a character in the future would be golden.. ..just my thoughts, and good luck with whatever you decide to do!

  17. Hm that's a good idea, .. couldn't you use the 'v' from UVs directly to drive the intensity ? you would mix some gray color multiplied by the v coordinate to the texel lookup ? I used something like this for a post-process vignette effect, isn't that basically what you're looking for? I'll take a look at the shaders later and get back to you ..

  18. He could have at least replied ... but anyway i'm not from any high risk country (i'm from slovenia for christ sake, we're small and harmless..), and even if i was, it would still be discrimination. Everyone has the same options, regardless where they are from, they can pirate software or they can buy it, I choose to buy it, again and again, I won't choose to pirate it even if it's the only option I have... I agree it's his decision, but I think it's a poor one to make (not from financial view, but from moral..) .. Thank you for your effort to try and help me, you're a good guy..

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