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Posts posted by redstar_dan

  1. Thanks for the replies :)


    I can see the model in the asset list, however it only appears in the root list, not under and of the sub folders.


    If i double click the model (it immediately had a shaded icon of the model) the viewer appears empty, however i can see the vertex and poly count, so I know it is actually there.


    I tried re-calculating and then saving and re-opening, however its still empty. I also tried flipping the normals, and the same issue of nothing appearing applies. I can see that flipping is affecting the model, as the thumbnail changes according to the flip.


    colour me confused :)

  2. Hi all, I am very new to Leadwerks.

    I seem to be having a problem with exporting from 3ds max and importing into leadwerks.


    The FBX export, seems to work correctly, no error messages or warnings.


    When I import the FBX in Leadwerks, my model never appears. If I drag the FBX into my scene, and drop it over one of the view ports, in the dialogue window, it states that the model has been deleted straight after it imports.


    I assume there's something basic going on here, that I don't understand. Could somebody please shed some light on this for me :)


    Many thanks,


  3. Ok, excellent, thanks!


    So with 3ds max, I tend to use Vray as a render engine, and I use Vray materials for my scenes. Can I by any chance use materials like that when exporting?

    Do I need to apply, more specific materials to be compatible when i export?

    If so, would it be something like tif, bmp, type formats?


    Also with scale, I normally work in Millimetres in 3ds max when creating geometry. When I export out, do I need to change scales? How do I make sure my geometry is the right scale to a human person, or the height of the game character in the editior.


    Sorry for these basic questions.

  4. Hi all,


    I have just purchased the Indie version from steam of Leadwerks, and not sure if I should had purchased the pre-order of 3.1 instead.


    I am very knowledgeable in 3ds max, I use it for architectural work and have worked in the games industry in the past as a 3d artist. Im hoping this will make my life a lot easier with Leadwerks.


    I have no idea how to use Leadwerks, but that is to be expected at this point as I need to look at many tutorials.

    That said, I watched one video, that talks about a tool called;

    'Leadwerks tools 2.1 for 3ds max'.

    it states that you can find the tool in the download section of Werkspace from leadwerks.com


    I cant for the life of me find the 'download' section in Werkspace. Do I need to somehow link the indie version of leadwerks to my account on here?

    Should I had spent the money on 3.1 instead?


    I am a bit confused and lost right now.

    Hope someone can point me in the right direction.

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