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Posts posted by MisterGravity

  1. you can drag and drop your boxes into the mainbox in the scene tab. If an object have more parts you see a tree structure


    I did that, but now I can't see the 3 pieces I made subitems of the other piece when I run the map. So let's say I have:


    leverControlledBox1, and also 2, 3, and 4.

    When I drag 2, 3 and 4 under leverControlledBox1, I do in fact get the 3 subitems.

    And when I click any part of it in the Perspective frame, I see it is now 1 item as I hoped for.

    Unfortunately, when you run the program, only leverControlledBox1 is visible.


    What did I do?









    So I figured out that only the main item in the list can have mass. Once I made the mass of all subitems = 0, then the items once again appeared in the game when I tested it.


    However, only the main item reacts to the SlidingDoor.lua. So I've run into a contradiction:


    If I can't make the elevator move by moving just the main item, which should theoretically move all the subitems, then I'm forced to add the SlidingDoor.lua to each subitem as well, but that script requires mass, which makes the subitems invisible.


    This seems to be a contradiction. What is the solution?

  2. So let's say I've made a primitive elevator that has 3 walls and a floor. That's 4 pieces. I can of course use my trigger to move all four pieces at once, but how can I lock all 4 peices together to be forever one piece?


    I wouldn't bother asking this, but it seems that sometimes the pieces get out of sync when being used in it's "sliding door" movement. A wall will get stuck there on the way down, a floor will stop halfway, it's beyond comprehension. Seems it'd be easier if it were one piece.



    Feel free to continue reading this forum thread, it will teach you how to make an elevator with several pieces work perfectly. Here is a video of the elevator in action:


  3. I have watched a few videos at this point. Here are my specific questions:


    In the video located here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/simple-doors-r51 , "Simple Doors", the author already has the scene created when he starts the video. I did figure out how to make the CSG boxes with the "CollisionTrigger.lua" script, but in the video the guy box is invisible until he goes to the menu and "shows physics." Mine has a texture, "Caulk", actually, because I put it there. So even though it functions to be a trigger to open the door properly, it's visible. How do I make a trigger like this INvisible?


    Please help?


    Solution: Select the CSG box, go to the Appearance tab, and change the Material to Effects/Invisible. Then it's invisible and can only be seen with "Show Physics."

  4. So in the end, "Nav obstacle" was my only problem. As soon as that was unchecked, the "use icon" finally disappeared when I walk up to the door. (Which is what I wanted, it's actually a triggered door by walking into a specific area tha tI had moved out of the way for the video demonstration.)


    Thank you Kavex!


    Well, I actually was able to locate the maps before I had a chance to get back to this message. Unfortunately, when you load some of them, they tend to be missing models, or big chunks of the example. For instance, in the map 03-Doors.map, this is what you see time you load it. (The doors aren't there.) Notice in the bottom it says "Failed to load model "C:/Users/Gravity/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/MyFirstGame/models/doors/gatevertical_frame.mdl".


    Am I missing pieces?





    UPDATE: I was able to copy the contents of the main models, materials and sounds out of the folder in Program Files and into my game assets under My Documents. When I closed and reopened the doors tutorial map, it was all there.

  6. Here is a tutorial for player movement:



    There is an included map that goes along with it.


    Where is the included map?

    Where are any of the example projects? I could learn more easily by example than by trying to follow vague videos that don't explain every little thing. Should I have all these examples with my Steam install?

  7. I have watched a few videos at this point. Here are my specific questions:


    In the video located here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/simple-doors-r51 , "Simple Doors", the author already has the scene created when he starts the video. I did figure out how to make the CSG boxes with the "CollisionTrigger.lua" script, but in the video the guy box is invisible until he goes to the menu and "shows physics." Mine has a texture, "Caulk", actually, because I put it there. So even though it functions to be a trigger to open the door properly, it's visible. How do I make a trigger like this INvisible?


    Please help?

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