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Everything posted by Qai

  1. LS is on record stating that if upgrading is possible on Steam, then they will offer such an upgrade option. So far, indicators with other software and games point to this being possible, for examples, http://store.steampowered.com/app/268291 and http://store.steampowered.com/app/268290.
  2. Awesome! Thanks Josh! Come on and release the Standard edition already!!!
  3. Would it be possible to swap out Newton Dynamics for something like Havok Physics in projects using LW?
  4. The following is example native C++/Windows code how to parse the command line in Windows. It is meant to be used with the Standard version of LW if you are re-compiling the exe and would like this feature. The code is from my own project not connected with LW, so just treat the references to DX/GL selection as an example of how to use the method. Having a command line parser is very useful for adding options to show a debugging window or write to a log, etc. Literally anything you want to pass via the command line to your main program. This makes it easier to create several shortcuts to your exe that invokes the application in different ways. #include <Windows.h> #include <stdio.h> bool parselpCmdLine(bool &DXSelected, bool &GLSelected, bool &engineDebugActive, int &debugWindow_WIDTH, int &debugWindow_HEIGHT, bool &engineLogActive) { LPWSTR *szArgList; int nArgs; LPWSTR argCmdLineDX = L"-dx"; LPWSTR argCmdLineGL = L"-gl"; LPWSTR argCmdLineDebug = L"-debug"; LPWSTR argCmdLineLog = L"-log"; szArgList = CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLineW(), &nArgs); // program requires at least one argument for either DirectX (-dx) or OpenGL (-gl) if (nArgs > 1) { // parse for DirectX (-dx) or OpenGL (-gl) // required: yes // number of arguments: 1 for (int i = 1; i < nArgs; i++) { if (lstrcmpi(szArgList[i], argCmdLineDX) == 0) { if (DXSelected == false) { DXSelected = true; } } else if (lstrcmpi(szArgList[i], argCmdLineGL) == 0) { if (GLSelected == false) { GLSelected = true; } } } if ((DXSelected == false) && (GLSelected == false)) { MessageBox(NULL, L"No selection for graphics type DirectX (-dx) or OpenGL (-gl) indicated.", L"Command Line Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); LocalFree(szArgList); return false; } if ((DXSelected == true) && (GLSelected == true)) { MessageBox(NULL, L"You cannot select both DirectX (-dx) and OpenGL (-gl).", L"Command Line Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); LocalFree(szArgList); return false; } // parse for debugging information // argument syntax: -debug window_WIDTH window_HEIGHT // argument types: window_WIDTH = integer, window_HEIGHT = integer // required: optional // number of arguments: 3 for (int i = 1; i < nArgs; i++) { if (lstrcmpi(szArgList[i], argCmdLineDebug) == 0) { engineDebugActive = true; swscanf_s(szArgList[i + 1], (L"%d"), &debugWindow_WIDTH); swscanf_s(szArgList[i + 2], (L"%d"), &debugWindow_HEIGHT); break; } } // parse for logging information // required: optional // number of arguments: 1 for (int i = 1; i < nArgs; i++) { if (lstrcmpi(szArgList[i], argCmdLineLog) == 0) { engineLogActive = true; break; } } } else { MessageBox(NULL, L"No selection for graphics type DirectX (-dx) or OpenGL (-gl) indicated.", L"Command Line Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); LocalFree(szArgList); return false; } LocalFree(szArgList); return true; }
  5. Thanks Josh. I'll give it a whirl. I never dealt with programming sound at this higher level of abstraction. Always curious to try new things Glad to know it can be done! Thanks.
  6. I'm currently working with the Indie edition on Steam, waiting to upgrade to Standard once it becomes available. I was wondering whether the C++ exposure that is part of the Standard edition allows the suppression of the engine's default OpenAL implementation to be replaced with FMOD? I have programming experience integrating FMOD at the source code level with previous projects and would like the ability to do so with the LW engine.
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