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Everything posted by tec.imp

  1. Thanks ZioRed for your awnser! The thing is, i was more thinking of getting direct file access to a file within an zip archive through the Leadwerks API. I mean you can load models from a archive, why not generic files ? Would be a nice feature to have Mfg Imp
  2. Hey there, I've just wondered if it is possible to use the Leadwerks Filesystem to actually access a "virtual" file over the "abstact" protocol. What i want to achive is to access a file within my data directory through Leadwerks API and not using the native c# FileStream classes or the like. PS: But as far as i see there is no file object of any kind. Is this maybe a thing we could get in a next release? It would be quite nise to access a file within an archive! Thanks in advance! Mfg Imp
  3. Thanks Lumooja that are indeed good news!
  4. Hey there I'm quite new to this community so please bear with me if I'm not in the right forum Well my question is a more generic one. I was wondering if it is possible with the Leadwerks Engine and with its Model Loader to decide to load a particiular model with or without its textures / sounds etc. ? Thanks in advance! Mfg Imp
  5. Thanks guys i just received my very own copy of the Leadwerks SDK! While inspecting the SDK directory i found quite some art content in it. I was wondering if this is also usable within commercial products or do they have copyrights on them? Thanks in advance! Mfg Imp
  6. Wow thanks guys for the quick replys! That sounds indeed like a nice licence model! One question tho what's about version updated, are they free ore do they cost a tiny fee? Thanks in advance! Mfg Imp
  7. Hey there, I'm new to this community and also new to the Leadwerk's Engine and thus I've got a question about the licence model. If i buy the current licence, is this a commercial one, meaning i buy the engine and be able to publish my very own game without paying any axtra "hidden" costs like royalties or the like? And is this licence meant to be for one product and one product only or are there no limits to it? Ohh and another question. On the product site it's mentioned that Leadwerks Engine can be used with C#. Is this still the case. I mean do i have the same "c-style" code or do i have actual classes while using C#? Thanks in advance! Mfg Imp
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