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Posts posted by Einlander

  1. I'm starting to think that this bug is starting to fall under an unintended results category. You do not need to attache a script to the csg in the prefab to get physics to work. you must select EVERY SINGLE CSG in the prefab and set the shape. If you use the csg prefab in the editor, then it works as it should. If you do it manually in code then you must set everything manually beforehand.


    This has the potential to became tedious. For example, I already have a fully articulated house created with csg's. The entity count is already over 100. Now i have to go back and add a physics property to every csg because there is a possibility that i might have the house spawn dynamically through code.


    Hopefully this is a bug, if need be I can make a suggestion for all prefabs to have their default editor physics shape/states loaded when called from code.

  2. I found 3 texturing bugs. Two of them may be related as they deal with how textures are handled once an object is rotated.


    These all deal with CSG's


    1. When copying and pasting prefabs it reverts to the original prefabs original texture


    2. Texture lock doesn't work when rotating in perspective view when an object has children.

    If you start rotating an object while in in perspective view that has objects attached to it, the texture lock only works for the root object. BUT, if you then continue to rotate the object using the top,bottom,etc... views, the texture lock will work.


    3. Unpredictable Behavior when manually typing rotations.

    Manually type in the rotation value and pray your uv still exists.


    Might be similar to this bug http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/10179-triangle-side-of-wedge-ignores-or-mangles-texture-mapping-settings/


    Video is still uploading, will appear when done.

    • Upvote 1
  3. I'm trying to make a Level of detail system, and i found that I can not hide children from a parent. I would like to suggest the ability to hide a child Ie: child:Hide() This would hide the child and leave the childs' children with the same properties (i hide a child and it's children is still visible.). Also the ability to hide all of a childs children ie: child:Hide(True). This would hide a child and all it's children, but leave its' parents alone.



    My experiments with children


    Attach this to the parent:

    function Script:Start()
    rotation = Vec3(0,0,45)
    local child = self.entity:GetChild(0)
    local child1  = child:GetChild(0)
    child1:SetRotation(rotation) -- to check if we are actually manipulating the child of a child
    child1:Hide() -- the rotated csg should diassapear




  4. I have a bunch of models that I loaded in the Leadwerks editor. Lets use a broken wall with holes in it for an example to avoid the "just a csg" solution. I want to be able to apply a different texture to a single wall, lets say instead of red bricks I want to use cinder blocks. Is there a way to force the editor to load a non instanced model?

  5. As a user of a multi-monitor setup, I was amazed at the number of AAA games that simply do not take into account the possibility that their game may be played on one monitor of a multi-monitor system.


    After rage quitting a gaming session because I kept dropping back to the desktop because my mouse wandered outside the game window, I decided to write some brain-dead simple lua code to trap the mouse in the game without interfering with any code.


    -- trap mouse start
    if (self.trapmouse == true) then
    if (self.window:GetMousePosition().x<0) then
    if (self.window:GetMousePosition().x>self.context:GetWidth()) then
    if (self.window:GetMousePosition().y<0) then
    if (self.window:GetMousePosition().y>self.context:GetHeight()) then
    -- trap mouse end


    I placed this in app.lua before the render, but it can be placed anywhere in your code as long as it is placed AFTER any mouse handling routines.


    The code is inabled by setting self.trapmouse to true.

    • Upvote 1
  6. I was wondering, is it possible to create an animated mesh with collisions for Leadwerks? Or do i need to make a post in suggestions?


    I want to create an automotive hydraulic lift and use the built in method of using a convex object in the mesh named collision to provide the collision properties.


    The Idea was to animate the collision alongside the mesh to provide physical environmental interaction. Failing this i would settle for a static collision with just the mesh (see the forklift_finale.mdl in the Left 4 Dead 2 hammer editor model browser. Turn on Collision Model, switch to the sequence tab, select lowerawning.)


    I am finding that at least in shade 3d, all objects that are skinned get a new surface and the collisions no longer work. Can someone good at blender try this out?




    3d modeling and animation software Shade 3d, Ver 14 Standard. FBX2013



    Version without animations but with collision




    Version with animations and collision:





    The Obj version of the unanimated model for those that want to try animating it.


  7. I've seen some awesome things created in blender. But alas, Blender is not for me. I've been trying to use it since 1997 (I'm starting to feel old,Just discovered Linux and Debian at age 12) since before the interface change. To much stuff needs to be memorized before you start using the program, very noob hostile with hard to discover features. Counter intuitive UI options, (click for menu, right click to select) etc...


    Regardless of my dislike for Blender it is the first piece of software i will recommend to anyone. Then if they don't like it I go down the list.

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