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Posts posted by nate066

  1. nice character and i haven't started polishing the golem with the hard surface brushes yet i just block out the polish with the Hpolish brush which isn't ideal for rock.I still need to go over with the trim dynamic and planar brush. Thanks for all the helpful tips. Yougrove do you have the Orbs_Cracks brush its really great for stylized stone cracks.


    If you goto to the vimeo site the download link is in the comments section

  2. The main issue I see will be debugging. Right now we can debug Lua scripts with breakpoints and stepping through it. It's very handy. I'm not sure if you are able to do that with the pure Lua version

    It will work as the lua files are still being interpreted by the leadwerks lua interpreter

  3. Like the model editor on Leadwerks 3, would be great ot have a partciles panel editor, or better in some tab panel under scene panel a mni viewport.


    In fact creating a partcile and not able to view it before lauching the game is annoying like workflow.

    The best would be able to create a particle effect, visualize it, and change values in real time without having to launch the game each time.



    Something like that for the idea :




    There is a particle panel all ready. Create a new emitter object then goto the particles tab make sure realtime rendering is on so you can see the effect in realtime.

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