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Posts posted by alrusdi

  1. Both problems Digman noticed (other than normals direction) are avoidable on userside. First is by applying transformations. Second is by choosing 'Export only selection' in export options.

    We can mention it in documentation.


    Afaik exporter may contain other issues but nothing super critical or not fixable on "per problem report" basis.

  2. The way how exporter works with animation alowing any rig. Rigify with MakeHuman model was second model which i tested for support.

    For bone shapes visibility... It will be little bit unclear in exporter code to discard them. To resolve this problem i suggest an addittional option in exporter "Export only visible layers". So everyone will be alllowed to choose which parts of scene to export. Is it will be good enough?


    It is possible to resolve this problem even in current exporter version - just select your rig and use "Export only selected objects" option when exporting. In this case bone shapes will not be exported.

    • Upvote 2
  3. Actually having custom shapes for control bones is more the rule than the exception.

    Yes it's probably normal to not export mesh if it used as Bone shape. Will add this feature.



    This is not regular bones, what is this system (never used it in BLender) ?

    No, it's very regular bones. Each bone can have custom visual representation as shown on picture below:


    • Upvote 2
  4. Generally speaking people keep their control bones on a seperate layer and the base shapes used to alter their appearens on another layer again which is hidden to avoid clutter.


    If the exporter only exported visible layers wouldn't this problem solve it self?


    Currenly exported all "mesh-like" objects on any layers of current scene. If more than one root objects on scene then each one is exported to separate file.

    ARMATURE type is special case - exported only deform bones for influenced meshes.


    Bone shape can be part of scene and in this case do not export it will be wrong behavior. But it probably rare case...

  5. > The exporter expects the model to be Centered in the world on the X Y and Z plus the object facing forward in Front view


    No, it doesn't - seems to be bug.


    > Another rig I tested the other day had control bone shapes. Control bone shapes are real geometry. The exporter exported these out and created material mat files for them plus the control bones appeared in the editor as well.


    Also seems to be bug. But because the bone shape is real geometry it will be hard to detect if it needed to be exported.

  6. If possible can you make it so that the models do not need their normals recalculated after importing.

    Thank you digman for report. I'll see what can be done with normals. Recalculation destroys the model completely in my case (it's even not seen in model editor after save).


    Can you post here a links to models on blendswap which has problems with exporting? May be i found an issues myself.

  7. Problems fixed to the time of this post:


    1. Taking into count Intensity slot to detect Specular map

    2. Default animation step set to 1 to not confuse newcomers

    3. If no actions selected in Action editor then first one exported in case of "all actions" not choosen

    4. Added a binormals and tangents calculation. Without it animated models was looking unlit.


    Plugin can be dowloaded here https://github.com/alrusdi/leadwerks-blender-exporter

  8. digman thank you again for detailed report.We will start to figure out of how to solve all the problems you described.


    About Animation stepping

    In case of step=1 each Blender frame will be added so every your keyframe also will be in model.

    In case of step>1 guaranted only first and last keyframe - others may be interpolated. Let's say you have keyframes in 1, 7, and 10 frames and set step=3 - then will be exported frames 1, 3, 6, 9, 10 i.e. keyframe 7 will be present only in interpolation phase on frame 6.

    We will set step=1 as default value so to do an optimization or not will be a user's decision

    • Upvote 1
  9. Why there should be a limit , it's only keyframes info ?


    There no limit of how much animation frames you can save. If you want each frame to be written - just pass Animation step=1, but it will be an overhead which can be significant on complex rigs(skeletons/armatures)


    Question... Does that mean that every other keyframe in my animation is not being written to the bone matrix info or is it just an internal optimizing of the keyframes for the full matrix info for each bone or in other words a form of interpolation to reduce overhead.


    What do you consider a long animation. A walk cycle can be about 24 frames but you will have lots of character animations in the same Leadwerks model file. You will call each animation sequence range as needed from the script. I am not a programmer but I know you call for the sequence number range in a script.


    Long animation is animation with big amount of frames between first and last frame. As you know Blender is automaticaly interpolating flames between keyframes.You can have just two keyframes in animation which is starts at frame 1 and ending at 1500, so with step=1 you will have 1500 frames. This will take an ages to export and then load to Leadwerks. But with step=100 you will have just 1500/100=150 frames doing almost the same.


    If your walk cycle animation have 24 keyframes and starts at frame=1 and ending at frame=240 - best step is probably step=10 but you can try to set step=20 - as result you will have 12 frames after export and can visually detect if animation is smooth enought to reflect your requirements.



    I am having a few problems exporting some animations out of Blender but will make sure It is not user error before posting here tomorrow.


    Can't wait for report.

  11. What is animation steps on export option ?


    It is an optimization. Because we can't use real keyframes (format limit) it's required to write full matrix info for each bone for each single frame in animation. In most cases it is overhead and just enought not to write frames with some reasonable step. If you have very long animation it's good to increase this step. For very short animations step=1 can be used.

  12. Thank you for detailed report digman!


    About texture placemant:

    I can not reproduce this bug. Model from your creature.blend is exported perfectly to any folder i wish on my linux system (if writing to it is allowed of course). Can you provide more depth explanation of what you do and what expecting to achieve?


    About Specular map:

    I found that you are use Intencity checkbox to mark texture to mark texture as Specular. Is it correct? Exporter is using Color checkbox instead of Intencity. It's probably correct way will be to test both checkboxes and it is will be fixed.

  13. alrusdi : default material produced with expot.

    Default material in blender is white - so result is correct. The reason why default cube in blender viewport looks gray is lighting. But Leadwerks is not supporting lights to be defined in .mdl so they are not exported. You can ensure it by comparing the color you choosen as diffuse in materail editor and its color in viewport. Viewport color is little bit darker and depends on light energy.

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