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Posts posted by panz3r

  1. ok let me give an example. i make a "radar" package for my space game. i develop and test it separately and it works like you attach a script to what you need to "blip" in the radar. You attach the display script to the object that will display the radar.

    Easy and simple, no copy paste, no side effects to other code ....

  2. Mike, they don't have to be super games with super graphic. Some basic proof of concepts should be enough. I think they should be done by leadwerks team as they know the best how engine is built and i don't think would take them more than 1-2 days per demo.

  3. This is exactly one of the reason for developing on Linux, rock solid OS where your chance that your app is causing problems are very small and very easy to spot . About windows I am not sure what task manager shows about memory, sometime i know for sure that an app allocates tons of memory but it simply does not show in task manager.

  4. Thank you Aggror for the tutorial and for this FAQ.

    Although I am not looking for tutorials for racing cars or shooters I think yougroove have a point - some sample games would help A LOT. I can tell you that i learned a lot about other engines by opening existing sample projects and doing small changes to learn.

    About GUI I mentioned it many times, I am considering a game engine a rapid development tool and GUI should be part of it.


    I am not moaning about this, I am trying to do constructive critique. If 90% of leadwerk usage would be big teams with dedicated programers and artists , yeah examples and gui would not be needed too much. But it seems the oposite from what i see on forum - leadweks is used by small teams or individual. Here any single item that help you accelerate your work counts. Otherwise you will probably never get to finish your work if you have to reinvent wheel for everything.

    • Upvote 1
  5. I don't think Playstation is a bad platform. I am just worried about the support of more and more platforms while the current editor for windows/mac needs to be improved. I am not even talking about opengl 4 or terrain.

    I definetely agree that improving (adding a GUI) and polishing should be one of the first priorities.

    Curently I am stucked because we don;t have a gui and what's worst I can;t figure out how to make one. This look more and more like a boomer for me.

  6. Sonny seems to be a lot more supportive with indies with PS4, with the online shop maybe at the end of they would not be such a bad ideea to be able to export for PS4.

    I am sure that beeing able to export on ps4 counts for small companies that chose an engine and don;t have budgets in millions for a game engine. If the game sales is nice to be able to click "build for PS4"

  7. "I disagree on DX9 and GL2.1 being able to do good graphics especially next gen... but you're entitled to your opinion."

    Just from curiosity, what are you missing in dx9 compared to dx10 and dx11 ?


    Does it really matter if the support for any would be there? How many of you have actually completed a commercially ready game? I know I haven't. And it will take a lot if time before it happens (if it is even going to). What I am trying to say is: make a game, learn to program, model, texture, design, how to work in teams etc. If you don't, you can wish for all the console support in the world, it would not matter anyway.

    Aggror , following the same logic we would not need windows one as well, nobody finished a game smile.png

  8. If irrlicht got approved by Sony i don't see why they would be against Leadwerks honestly.

    I don;t think sony cares in what the game is made, and if anything more tools to make games the better.


    From my udnerstanding engine is open gl 2.1 which is roughly directx 9 which is more than enough to make good graphic in games. (dx10 s.cks, and dx11 make the things run faster).

  9. Link to the irlicht related info:



    The only reason i mentioned this is that it can be a major surce of income for leadwerks without too much work.

    1. There will be linux version, that means a bsd version will be trivial

    2. if all it takes on bsd is to replace opengl calls with PS4 sdk calls (probably simillar calls) then should be easy as well


    conclusion: leadwerks proffit $$$ as game console engines are selling for lots of $$ as far as i am aware.

  10. Buying a product in advance is a pre-order. Pledging in a crowd-funding campaign means that you're paying for the product to be developed, and not necessarily for the product itself. That's why there are options that are more expensive than the product itself.

    Like i sayd everybody sees is diferently. Some are more generous, some just pay to have created the product they have and want the product at the end, like a preorder with high risk.

    There is no reason to generalyse this, there are options for everybody : from the 1$ to 1000$.

  11. Looks like they chosed to cripple themselves. Also the gamepad looks "cheap" and engaget review don;t speak highly about it. This combined with less then stellar raw performance don;t make it interesting for 100. For 50 yeah mabye as novelty.



    Can I play my OUYA games on my other Android devices?


    Not at this time.


    Can I play Android games purchased from Google Play on OUYA?



  12. altough i understand the need to promote the android/mobile modules i think OUYA is a bit dead in the watter. For 100 you can get a new Nintendo WII and for a bit more a PS3 if you watch promotioons.


    I disagree with previous poster, there would not be too many pledges (of substantial values) if all you would get back would be a thank you email from an automatic mail system.

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