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Andy Gilbert

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Posts posted by Andy Gilbert

  1. Just another quick update of a bit more progress. as a small change i started a few shops that will sit in the market place. Ive also added a details that ive modelled today (lamps, street lamps stallite dish etc).


    I also wanted to try and get an idea of how the movement will be and the view so i can realy see which parts of the level need detail ETC so i implimeted the character controller and did a quick video as below.







    • Upvote 6
  2. Nothing urgent but, i recently wanted to add a terrain just for some background mountains, but found 256 still to be big for my small level, so a small terrain would be better.


    I know usnig a 256 is probably fine, but it just meant there was a lot fo wasted flat land.




  3. I started this game about 1 month after leadwekrs 3 was released, we didnt have projected shadows when i was doing this as i was shouting for them! smile.png


    Anyway, im no longer working on this and wont continue to, but just thought i would show some screen shots of the level in its early days, name was "Clean Up Crew" and was a going for a "left 4 dead" style game play... Never made it! smile.png I cant actually remember its last status, i just found these screenshots i did in a backup of my projects folder.


    As far as i know, bar only a few I think most models where made by myself, so i could upload them to the asset store. Obviosuly the buildings ETC were CSG.







    • Upvote 5
  4. Tech's just moving to fast for me now, I remember at times (mainly using leadwerks 2) i would look at game trailers and have a go at making assets and art work look and react like i saw in trailers. Sometimes i managed to do a "half decent" job, but looking at that and some of the upcoming games theres just no chance for me, not alone anyway. Will just have to be happy to sit back and watch others do it.


    And the follwing may sound bad but i dont want it to be taken that way, its just a small truth which is that while leadwerks 2 was graphically amazing and had that deferred renderer and amazing post processing effects, it almost felt like games like that were possible. But we are back now waiting for a deferred renderer, never mind all the nice post process effects, weather system, amazing particle effects and vegetation system (and the one in that video isnt just a sway shader), it really makes me feel like years away from being to make anything look remotly like that.


    But ill keep waiting and trying like always :)



  5. Ive done a bit more work on my litle town and so thought i would open a thread to show it. The game if i keep up the motivation will hopefully be a "high camera" 3rd person, so sort of top down but 3rd person (there might be an actual term for this view), infact its not far off the camera view in the image.


    So anyway my blog for my first CSG attempts is here:



    The idea of this is market town style with these buildings going around the whole town (working as level bounderies) and some you can enter and "do things". :)


    Still CSG only all in editor.






    • Upvote 5
  6. [solved]

    Im either having a real slow start to the morning (uk smile.png ) or just being plain stupid, but i cant work out how this was done, despite josh explaining: (the stairwell at the top of this page)




    Can someone kindly remind me?


    Its the

    ...lengthened each segment


    thats confusing me...



    I see now, the tube splits into segments, which you can edit.


    Got it eventually.


    Ta, Andy




  7. beo, i do this too, but you cannot use prjected shadows for all imported models, this will severly decrease performance. Projected shadows are to be used wisely and only where needed.


    Ill repeat, the light mapping in leadwerks 3 is really nice, and with a few more deformation tools like in 3d world studio, alot of geom can be made in the editor using CSG and benefit from the nice lighting and shadows.



  8. I seem to always run into this issue and so I thought i would ask. The issue is, due to the editors Fixed CSG brushes and very limted CGS shaping (scale, rotate & skew) we are left with either, simple shapes that get nice lighting and light mapping, or external models that dont get the same lighting?


    one of the best features of 3D world studio was the "point" editing of CSG? I dont understand why this wasnt implimented into leadwerks 3 editor, will we ever get that?



  9. Hi can I set the background color of my project? Its black and ide like it grey, i have tried adding:


    local color = self.context:GetColor()
        color.r = 0.6
        color.g = 0.6
        color.b = 0.6


    In app script will no luck, so tried in other areas, before render, after render, but update world, in the loop at the start but no luck?




  10. 1. Project loading time is 5 - 6 minutes, debug struggles to run. (used to be instant before terrain update) Ok so this is solved if i remove a particular model, YET in the leadwerks 3 before terrain, this model loads in a scene instantly?


    2.Cant create new projects, when the project is created and i press ok to load it, it creashes with Exception_Acess_Violation.


    3.Canot open darkness awaits from, same issue as above: Exception_Acess_Violation



  11. From a clean install of leadwerks 3, if i add a 1024 terrain 3 layer, a few models it roughly takes 5 - 6 mintues for my project to start. In debug it struggles to run at all, as a release it runs after 5 - 6 minutes of a white window (as not responding).


    Everything in editor is smooth with realtime renderer showing 250fps (with the terrain?)?


    Leadwerks 2 used to run about 25 - 40 fps with big terrain depending on model popularity.


    Ok so the above is solved if i remove a particular model, YET in the leadwerks 3 before terrain, this model loads in a scene instantly?


    Edit1: And i still get Exception_Acess_Violation when i try to load darkness awaits from the project manager?


    Edit2: And i can no longer create new projects, Same error as above with darkness awaits.



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