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Posts posted by Joh

  1. The three images show you the issue..

    This happened ONLY using this code (not in the editor) that is token by the documentation..


    Framework leadwerks.engine
    Import "c:leadwerks engine sdkbmxframeworkframework.bmx"
    Include "lua-gluefunctions.bmx"
    RegisterAbstractPath ("c:leadwerks engine sdk")
    Graphics(800, 600)
    'Create a framework instance called 'fw''
    Global fw:TFramework = CreateFramework()
    If Not fw RuntimeError "Failed to initialize engine."
    'Pass to the lua state'
    SetScriptObject("fw", fw)
    Global scene:TEntity = LoadScene("abstract::deserthighway.sbx")
    PositionEntity(fw.Main.camera, StringToVec3(GetEntityKey(scene, "cameraposition")))
    'movement variables'
    Global move:Float = 0.0
    Global strafe:Float = 0.0
    Global camrotation:TVec3 = Vec3(0)
    Global mx:Float = 0.0
    Global my:Float = 0.0
    'Main loop'
    If KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) Exit
        If AppTerminate() Exit
    'camera rotation/movement'
        DrawText("Use WSAD/Mouse to move/rotate camera",0,20)
    Function CameraUpdate()
    mx = Curve(MouseX() - GraphicsWidth() / 2, mx, 6)
    my = Curve(MouseY() - GraphicsHeight() / 2, my, 6)
    MoveMouse(GraphicsWidth() / 2, GraphicsHeight() / 2)
    camrotation.X = camrotation.X + my / 10.0
    camrotation.Y = camrotation.Y - mx / 10.0
    RotateEntity(fw.Main.camera, camrotation)
    move = KeyDown(KEY_W) - KeyDown(KEY_S)
    strafe = KeyDown(KEY_D) - KeyDown(KEY_A)
    MoveEntity(fw.Main.camera, Vec3(strafe / 10.0, 0, move / 10.0))
    End Function
    Function StringToVec3:TVec3(text:String, scale:Float = 1.0)
    Local t:TVec3 = Vec3(1)
    Local sarr:String[]
    sarr = text.split(",")
    If sarr
     If sarr.length > 0 t.x = Float(sarr[0]) * scale
     If sarr.length > 1 t.y = Float(sarr[1]) * scale
     If sarr.length > 2 t.z = Float(sarr[2]) * scale
    Return t
    'These functions allow you to pass framework to the lua state'
    Function SetScriptObject(name:String, o:Object)
        Local size:Int=GetStackSize()
    Function GetStackSize:Int()
        Return lua_gettop(luastate.L)
    Function SetStackSize(size:Int)
        Local currentsize:Int=GetStackSize()
        If size<currentsize
        lua_pop(luastate.L, currentsize - size)

  2. Hi all, i have a problem when i load the desert map on the editor everythings work fine, when i use the example on leadwerks wiki it load the map cprrectly but when the camera goes near to the street some face of the road flick and goes away (probably under the terrain).

    Do you know why?

    I can't show images right now because i am from the mobile.

  3. Well not necessary..

    I just wanna get some data, that i have put on it using the editor but as now there is a command to seek all the entities i suppose it can be done later on.


    I am an "old" LE coder, when i used it there wasn't this command so it was a little bit harder, also i did many commercial games and i admit that i never used an easy engine as Leadwerks, that's why i always try to do everything by myself!


    Thanks again Pixel.

  4. I saw it there are voice called river node or road node.

    In those string there is a voice called "data" (or something similar) and this is not saved as string, i am wondering how it saved.

    If i could have the "specifications" in how it's saved i could load it.

    Also i am not sure which kind of data those are, maybe are the mesh data.

  5. Hi all,

    I know that lua doesn't need to do this but i wanna do it.. so:

    How can i manage road or river after loaded the scene?

    I did my own process scene (and didn't debug it at all yet) but before doing this i wanna know if i should do something in particular.

    Opening the sbx file i saw there is some data, are those mesh data? Did i need to create it or loadscene do for me and i only need to process it?

    Thanks in advice.

  6. I just need to say that almost every big game have big requirements.


    It's named "Progress".




    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3


    System Requirements Requirements Microsoft Windows[30] Operating system Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7 CPU Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 or AMD Phenom X3 8750 processor or better Memory 2 GB RAM Graphics hardware 256 MB Pixel Shader 3.0 or better (NVIDIA GeForce 8600GT/ATI Radeon X1950 or better) Sound hardware DirectX 9.0c or later

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