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Everything posted by Hodgey

  1. I expected that to be the case. Just need to be sure. Thanks again Josh!
  2. That's a step up from what I'm used and a welcome one at that. If we clog this up with another loop e.g: App::Continue() { while(true) { // do something } } Will this cause problems? It did on some platforms with AGK and I believe it's because of the flow pattern of mobile apps that you've mentioned. I just like to keep these things in mind while programming. Thanks for your time and answers Josh.
  3. Hi all, A friend has turned my attention towards the upcoming LE 3. I'm currently impressed by the bits of info I've found about the forums but I have a few questions. I currently use App Game Kit (from the The Game Creators) to write apps and in order to program with C++, they provide a set of projects for VS 2010, Xcode, Eclipse etc. To get them to work however, we have to manually link our headers and libraries, and make a few adjustments here and there. What does the LE 3 project setup involve? My other question is are there a set of functions that we fill in to program mobile apps? In App Game Kit projects, the framework for our code consists of 3 functions, begin(), loop() and end(). We can have our own classes, functions etc of course but everything has to eventually end up in those functions. Will LE 3 be imposing similar frameworks? Thank you for your time.
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