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Posts posted by fumanshoo

  1. I thought this might work, but it's not...


    menueMaterial = LoadMaterial("abstract::Menue.mat")
    menue = DrawImage(menueMaterial,0,0,1,1)
    on = 1
    if KeyDown(Key_U)==1 then
     if on== 1 then
      on = 0
      on = 1

  2. Hi, so I've been staring at the "class" Lua file for a good hour now and I'm getting nowhere. I thought I started to understand when it says "function class:CreateObject (model)" where it is obviously creating the specified model, but I still don't understand why "class" is there. I guess what i'm asking is what "class","super","self" and "group" are and how I could use those terms to parent a model to a controller within the Editor...

  3. How would I get rid of my cursor? It moves around in the middle of my screen when i'm in third person and I just want to get rid of it. Is there any way to just hide it?


    EDIT: Also, I'd like to ask how to free my mouse from being stuck in the middle of the screen and how to un-hide it so that I could use it in some wort of menu.

  4. Well, like I said earlier, I used to use the Editor, but I want to better myself when it comes to programming and I think little things like this help. It's not like this little practice is ACTUALLY being used, it's all being put into a dummy scene where I just fool around with stuff. It's helpful too because I had no idea what recursive meant until now.


    Well, I shouldn't say that I USED to use the Editor because I still do, but not for my little test lab scene...

  5. I think it may take me a little more time to learn all of that. commands... or at least I think they are command like "self.model" and "self.super" confuse the hell out of me. Same with "group:" and "class" I'm just not advanced enough as a user to understand it quite yet, but I am getting there. If you would be willing to privately teach me ( which I highly doubt would ever happen haha ) and help me understand the class file or better yet how to make a controller that is compatible with the game script path, I would be very appreciative, but until then, I am happy with slowly learning on my own haha.

  6. Well I love the Editor and I had already created the scene in the Editor, but I want to learn more about the Script Editor mostly because I suck at programming in general. The Editor is very reliable and easy, but I just want to learn more. Programming is beginning to become more of a fun thing to me than a chore. Thanks a lot for the help and sorry, I should have told you that I was using Lua Script.

  7. sceneBuildings = LoadModel("abstract::general visualization of the slums.gmf")


    sceneBuildings: SetCollisionType(2)




    Is this what you mean? I am still not getting the desired effects....

  8. Why is it that if I LoadModel, I can set the collision type, but I can not SetColor(Vec4( ect... but if I LoadMesh, I can Set the color but can not set the collision type? I kinda need to do both in this situation...

  9. Well I was loading it into a scene at first and adding the basic properties and what not, but I didn't like that because I prefer to load separate models and use the scene editor for the terrain. Really nice that I can manipulate it both ways. But thank you. I had no idea what the difference between a mesh and a model was in that aspect until now haha. happy.png

  10. Shouldn't this make my houses collide with my character? It's being given no collision properties despite me setting the collision type.


    sceneBuildings = LoadMesh("abstract::general visualization of the slums.gmf")

    sceneBuildings: SetCollisionType(COLLISION_PROP)

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