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Everything posted by toddgrayson

  1. Yes, it works for me on a custom model, not bsp, I imported and displays correctly in the Leadwerks editor.
  2. I did test with your textures and they worked fine in the material editor and on two other models. What GPU do you have? Also, I may be able to test better with the model as my test models show the same as your picture.
  3. It takes into effect vertex alpha in conjunction with the material diffuse color, but not the actual vertex colors. So... For it not to show up as black you will need to have something other than black as the diffuse color. As well it uses the specular for brightness so if your spec color in the material is black it will show as black. Sorry, at one point in my testing i used an external model and it was black until I changed the vertex colors. I noticed this initially as the BSP worked. That was fixe din the final shader though so vertex colors should have no effect, but as above the material diffuse and specular do. The reason for the specular is so that you don't need to change value sin the shader itself as the spec is used.
  4. I will have a look either tonight or tomorrow morning when I get a few moments. In the meantime you could try setting the vertex color to white for your model. That may resolve your issue. If so I will see what I can do about the shader to resolve that. Note: Please also try using the shader on a Leadwerks editor model, Todd
  5. At the very least you will need the following: A color/diffuse in the diffuse slot 0 (Note: This needs to have an alpha channel where the more opaque the more metalness or shiny it will be) A normal map in the normal slot 1 A specular map in the specular slot 2 (optional) A skybox testure in slot 4 Hope that helps.
  6. I have made some modifications to the shader in this topic to work with the output from Substance Painter. To use it just export the Unity 4 Diffuse with Gloss map along with the nrmal and height map. To get the full bump you will need ot convert the height to a normal map and then combine the height map normal with the existing normal map. Everything else is the same as above. Here is an example: Substance Leadwerks You can download the updated shader here:
  7. Holding the CTRL key down while painting will erase the texture you are using on the terrain. You can select which testure you wnat erased by highlighting the texture slot in the terrain editor tab.
  8. Oops, sorry. I just commented out the top shader and uncommented the code code below it and it worked. When i looked it seemed that the only difference was the two variables i mentioned. After a closer examination it seems that it wasn't those at all but rather it was the texture() instead of the texture2d() that resolved the issue. I did some testes and it works great using texture. //vec4 current = texture2D(texture0,ex_texcoords0); vec4 current = texture(texture0,ex_texcoords0); The uncommented one works. Todd
  9. I was able to resolve this by adding the following variables back into the Shaders\Edito\TerrainTools\paint.shader uniform int slotbit; uniform int channel; Todd
  10. Unfortunately those are desktop drivers. Even so I tried them and they installed on the Surface Pro 2, but they didn't work. Note: There may be differences between the desktop processor and the mobile/laptop ones
  11. It looks like the terrain layers don't work properly when using an Intel GPU. Note: The first layer shows fine, but any additional layers won't paint. Note: I tested on a Microsoft Surface Pro 2 with an Intel 4400 GPU
  12. Is there a way to change the location of the texture on brushes? When I change the size see that some auto texturing happens,but i would like to change what part of the texture shows where. Is it possible to maybe scroll to where i want the texture?
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