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Posts posted by CreativeOcclusion

  1. Most of their models are "royalty free" and can be used for commercial purposes...Some of them will say "editorial purposes", these will mostly contain a logo from another company...for example a cell phone with a Nokia name or emblem...This makes them unusable in a game, without permission from Nokia....There is no problem to use the "royalty free" in Leadwerks because it changes the format to Leadwerks .mdl...In some game engines it leaves it in .fbx, .3ds...ect....These cannot be available for the end user to open the model...


    This is just my understanding of how it works...Some of it is hard for a lawyer to understand...Hope this helps

  2. But where people do start learning and relearning ?


    The starting point is deciding what you want to accomplish....Lets just say that you want to create a cube on the screen that spins around...All you need is a cube and a script attached to it that makes it spin around...Searching the forums here at Leadwerks will probably give you an example of this code...The API Reference at top of the page has many examples....If the code that you write doesn't work, post it here on the forums and someone will help you with what you are doing wrong....


    Programming is just problem solving...Sometimes it takes me weeks to solve one problem, and sometimes solving that problem causes three more...This is game development...It is hard, and requires a "No give up" attitude to succeed...

  3. Well, it doesn't look like I am going to make the July 19 deadline...I ran into so many problems with vegetation, water, terrain and keeping FPS up, that I only have a walk through demo...I wanted to do the Tropical Island with skeletons and swords....Vegetation seems to be the main problem with the FPS drop...Lots of hours at work has also cut way back on development time...Maybe I can get it finished for the Winter Games Tournament...haha...

  4. Yep, that was it. I turned zsort back off, changed Alpha to Solid, then shader to diffuse+normal+alphamask.shader and everything is ok once again. Let me know if this helps anyone else.


    This worked for the fog but makes my plants flicker when I move camera...

  5. I believe the op is just wanting some hot keys to do basic actions in the editor...Like rotate scale and move...I think it would be nice...of course blender has so many of these hot keys that nobody can remember them all...

    • Upvote 1
  6. Previously, I was able to produce this problem easily by just cutting and pasting a single model. I am not able to create this problem now in that way. Is there anything I can do that will show the problem?


    I believe these are copies using CTRL, DRAG....I added these when I first started working with Leadwerks 3x...There are several models that lose rotation, some I made, some free models, and some came with Leadwerks...Everything seems to be working fine for everyone else so I will just fix it and let it go...Thanks

  7. Rotation_Problem.jpg


    I am still getting rotation problems...Models are off and require manual adjustment...Game is getting larger and this problem is costing a lot of time to go through and check models for bad rotation...It seems to be a random problem...Not the same model every time....This pic above is just an example of 1 model, there are 9 models this time..


    The model above is supposed to be -90.0, 90.0, 0.0

  8. Jorn the maker of the tutorial I believe is working on the new tutorials section here at Leadwerks...This is just what I have read here...I'm sure he will need a short break from tutorials after that...I would bet that he plans on finishing project saturn...

  9. you will be able to specify whether you want a Lua or C++ project


    It no longer gives you the option to pick between Lua or C++...Skrakle explained it correctly in his post above...


    You don't need to, whenever you create a new LE project, it will create a Projects\Windows sub-folder, there's a solution for Visual Studio in there.
  10. That tutorial is very old and would probably confuse you...Just create a new project with the project manager by clicking file..project manager..then click new...then select advanced first person shooter...make sure you name the project...here is a link to some good tutorials to get you started...You can ask questions on the forum for anything you don't understand...A lot of the older content is not available to avoid confusion...



    Also go through all the tutorial at the top of this page....

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