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Posts posted by Elmar

  1. I want to write programm as following:


    To create the framework. To set the background to this framework. To add, remove, copy the mesh when program is running.

    General question: Can I add, remove, copy the mesh when program is running? If yes, how?

  2. I want to create a virtual walk in the my scene. Then when I click on which model, in the other place (for example in the other framework) there will open only 3d view of my model (not scene).

  3. You might need to explain a little more about what this second window is. Is it a "picture in picture" a rectangle showing another camera view, or a an O/S type window, or an app window with multiple viewports like a 3D editor?


    I would like test my program with each 3 ways...

  4. So when i debug my program there is openning one window and I can virtual walk in my scene. I want that when i click on my mesh there are open another window. In the future I plan to show the same model in the second window.

  5. Elmar,


    1) Make a scene in the editor with just some terrain and a few oilbarrels in it.

    2) Make a program from scratch that loads your scene correctly.

    3) Add some movement via a character controller.

    4) Use the code that Ziored proposed, and place it in the main loop.

    5) Every time you are near an object and you click on it, it turns red.


    Thanks a lot. I did as you say.

  6. I don't enter my models with code(I do load from .sbx file). I gather my models in the scene and I only display my scene with code. Is that possible to pick that meshs? If yes, how?



  7. You can do something like this:


    Mouse mymouse;
    Camera mycam;
    Pick mypick;
    Entity myent;
                  //Do something when the mesh GetPicked
                  myent = mypick.entity;


    There are occuries error. GetPick and Setcolor functions are not found. What is the problem?

  8. I want to write the program as follow:

    To create virtual walk on the scene. (It's i can) and to create onclick event on the meshes in the same scene. I want that there are done some works when i click on the mesh.


    What can you advice me?


    P.S. When i did visualization before there didn't display mouse.

  9. I want to change the measure of tree model in the editor. For this i changed the parameter of scale in the properties of tree. Then tree became in the measure what i want. But when i save and open again this scene the tree became in the previous measure. What is the problem?

    In other words how i can enlarge the tree in the editor?

  10. I add atmosphere in my scene with editor and i see this atmosphere. But when i open this scene with code i see blue background instead of sky. What is the problem? I don;t use framewerk. Maybe it's connected with that?

  11. I think my problem is larger. I have an object and texture file in dds format. And i want to set this texture to my object as normal map. Suppose i create mat file. What i must do with this .mat file? I can set to object only dds files and only in 3d max..

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