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Posts posted by Benton

  1. I love how the developer asks the community questions, and gets help, It really is a good way for us to give back to the hard working developer, and strengthens the community. This is the first time I have ever seen this, this community is the tightest one I have ever seen.

  2. Take my money/IOU


    Dont forget docs. The most forgotten but useful thing for software. Make sure they are really detailed. Let Leadwerks 3 be known for really good docs!

  3. I'm not old enough to remember any of this. My first OS was XP :)


    The sad thing is, all the OS's you listed probably ran faster then Vista does on 2 gigs of ram. I had a laptop that ran slow as hell with Vista and 2 gigs ram, I was glad it broke and I got a desktop.


    And I would rather have the GUI from Amiga or Windows 2.1 then what I get in Windows 7, or Gnome 2. It's a shame most people like the glassy look.

  4. I like that. But make it so if the upgraded license is $1000 then make it 2000 sales. So if you sell 2000 copies of games at $0.99 you made enough money to cover the cost of upgrading. I wish the free Unity had all the feature that pro has (minus a couple) but you could only make, say, $2000 with the free version before you upgrade. That way both parties win.

  5. Pixel Perfect was a Leadwerks user

    he was not a loser

    but his code makes people

    need the heimlich maneuver


    his code was shocking

    the amount of bugs was whopping

    when he pressed compile

    the compiler went hostile


    c++ is what he writes

    not an easy language

    when you read it you need a flotation device

    its like eating a bug sandwich


    im not saying his code is horrible

    it is just slightly satirical

    the fact that it works is a miracle

    to read it is almost unbearable



  6. If LE2 suits you just fine by all means use it. I will still use Win7 even when Win8 comes out, not because Win8 is bad, but because Win7 suits me more because I don't have a touch screen.


    I just felt that you guys were bashing the LE3. Calling it a step backward. However if using a mobile renderer for the first few months means way better scaleability and a better product down the road, I call it a step forward. When I say everyone, I mean the majority.


    This argument/discussion has gone on way to long. If you don't want to use it because LE2 works better, fine, that's good. But I have a problem with actually bashing it.

  7. Don't think it has been blown out of proportion? You guys keep saying that LE3 does not work for you because you need better graphics, yet Josh has said many many times that the LE3 renderer will be upgraded. He also said that parts of it are already done. I also proved that the mobile renderer can handle good graphics well. So basically you guys need really good visuals for the first part of your project, when you will mostly be programming and doing art. It makes no sense. Start making your game, and when the better renderer comes out add it on.


    Haha Cassius, well put ;)

  8. OpenGLES 2.0 allows shaders so yes. Once Josh writes a renderer for OpenGL 3.1, or OpenGL 2 or some better OpenGL then the OpenGLES 2.0, then we should be able to write AAA shaders. I am hoping for OpenGL 3+, it irons out the bugs that OpenGL 2 had and also allows that AAA look pretty easy. At least thats what I heard. And I think you are right, it is the shaders that make an AAA game. if you look at something like Halo you don't see any godrays and stuff like that. It is good art.


    From Wikipedia

    OpenGL ES 2.0


    OpenGL ES 2.0 was publicly released in March 2007.[2] Based roughly on OpenGL 2.0, it eliminates however most of the fixed-function rendering pipeline in favor of a programmable one, in a move similar to transition from OpenGL 3.0 to 3.1.[3] Almost all rendering features of the transform and lighting pipelines, such as the specification of materials and light parameters formerly specified by the fixed-function API, are replaced by shaders written by the graphics programmer. As a result, OpenGL ES 2.0 is not backward compatible with OpenGL ES 1.1. 2.0 also goes agnostic on the handedness of the coordinate system, and many implementations seem to be left handed, in contrast to OpenGL history. API incompatibilities between the desktop series and OpenGL ES 2.0 persisted until OpenGL 4.1 added GL_ARB_ES2_-compatibility.[4]


    This is what OpenGLES 2.0 can do,




    It may not look great, but the screenies are from android, and so that means low res textures and low poly counts. Res up the textures and triple the poly count and it will look just fine. We can write our own shaders, so for a short time when we only get OpenGLES 2.0 we can always write our own AAA shaders. This has been blown out of proportion...we are not getting this mzl.aojllrtb.320x480-75.jpg


    but rather this



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